Striper Fishing on Lanier?

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
Has anyone used a guide service on Lanier for stripers? I have talked to a guide named Harold Nash, and he seems like he knows what hes talking about, but wondered who any of you have used/liked. Thanks!

I moved to Chattanooga last year from Cumming and did (and still do) extensive striper fishing on Lanier. I have used Harold as a guide as well. I fish on a regular basis on Lanier with a couple of the top guys on the lake. Rick Cleveland and Dan Saknini are two. Both guide on occasion but don't do it for a living. Chuck Biggers is a full time guide and head of the South Lanier stiper club who I would recommend. Saknini is currently thier tournament leader. I can hook you up with Dan or Chuck if you like.

As far a my experience with Harold Nash, he is kind of a strange dude but has a lot of experience on Lanier. The only hitch is that he ONLY fished jigs and lures, no live bait. That tatic worked years ago but since the blueback population has taken off, live baiting is the ticket on Lanier. I have had many 15-20 fish days catching fish up to 20 lbs. Dan Saknini has caught a 32 and 34 pounder over the past years or so.

If you throw jigs with Harold you will catch a bunch of spots and some stripers. Chuck had a guide trip last week and his crew caught 17 BIG fish.

Harold will give you a lot of interesting conversation but Chuck or Dan will fill the cooler.

I hope this is of help!