Striper in the Hiwasse

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tyler ware

Well-known member
Aug 10, 2007
Talking to a friend of mine outside the homedepot last night, he is a big trout fisherman, and he said people are catching very large stripers on the hiwassee river before devil shoals rapid i think. What he described seemed like at least a 20lb caught there in front of him. Does anyone else know about this, and whay have you not told me. HE said get about a 6" lure and hold on.
The best bait is a live trout! I've seen striper chase schools of trout out of the water and into the woods on the Caney and the Clinch. I hear they catch some good ones up the hiwasee.
i have also heard that myself my dad used to get trout minniws from the creek up on the mountain and use them down at the nic and would tear them up
A friend of mine guides on the Hiwassee for trout, and has been telling me they are catching some great stripers up there. Hes always been full of it, so I dont put much stock into it. LOL I dont know a thing about the upper river, butwould love to explore and learn some of it.
Yes, stripers definitely move up the Hiwassee seeking cooler water temperatures in the summer. But I haven't fished it so I can't help you much on specifics... but I'd say your friend is telling you straight.
Indeed they do move up the river. I have seen them lurking the waters as far up as the Powerhouse. However we all know they are simply seeking cooler water and would never eat a Game fish much less a Trout emoPoke .
I think the two best places to fish for them are below the stair steps and below Devil Shoals. There is deeper water in both these locations even during low flow.
However I don't think you can use live bait in either of these areas since it is in the Trophy area of the river.
I work with a guy who has a 42lb striper mounted on his office wall that was caught up there just below the shoals about 3 or 4 years ago. He tells me they use 8-9" long live fish (natural bait of choice for that area) tied to a balloon about this time of year. He has caught many others in the 20-30 lb range but this one was the biggest he ever caught up there.
oo i use those lures here in georgia at lake lanier... it's the the bomber long-a it's in the blue back herring colore it's really a salt water lure but it'll catch em..i've caught about 20 striper this year in the few monthes they hit he bait

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