Striper stomach contents. (no pics!)

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2007
Cleveland TN
Since I kept the smaller fish from my trip yesterday, I like to check to see what my fish are eating. This one had 4 aprox 4-5" gizard shad in him. Makes some sense, as we never saw any small threadfins that have been so thick at Watts Bar. Where and how do you get gizards this size? Thanks guys.
Just didnt figure folks would want to see it, but they might want to know what prey is prefered right
I made a trip to Watts Bar not to long ago and found a school of small gizzards (4"-6") right against the base of the dam ( over to the right of the turbines and wing wall). We worked across the base of the dam from left to right and stumbled upon the gizzards about 3/4 of the way across. They were bunched up tight. One toss of the net and I put about 12-15 in the bait tank. I wish catching bait was always that easy.
Spur, bout the only way is netting them. Sometimes they will be right on the walls and spread out some. You may only get a few at a time. Wear some good polarized glasses and you will be able to see them. Pay no attention to my smartarse fishing partner, you should try spending all day in a boat with him
Oh..I dont think thats it Spur. Flipo tends to get mad if I give his net to someone else!

Although..I must admit, his gizzard method was better than my suggestion. Dont you agree..LOL
Yea, I knew you were gonna say that, but its generic so it dont count. I thinks its because you dont like my skip-jacks...

If we ever go I promise to use live shiners man....
I'm surprised there were no threads in it's belly. Most of the time I find 5-6 banana sized gizzards and about 50 threads. The threads are like hamburger and the gizzards are like steak.

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