That cost him a couple Benjamins.</p>
I have been out of there only once and like you all said it's really shallow outside the bouys. I was a little white nuckled my first time through.</p>
Speaking of big boats being stuck, last year while I was on vacation I was headed out Bogue Inlet in my Nautic Star, and there was a 24'+ Contender (or Fountain) with twin V-do's nipping my heals as I went out about 45-50mph. The inlet appeas to be a straight shot out, only about 1.5 miles long, but the channel actually makes for a series of "S's". Anyway, I guess the big boat behind me thought I knew where I was going but evidently the tide the night before had "moved a bouy". I started feeling sand, and looked at my depth finder and it said 1.5 feet!!!! So I stood on it, and swerved toward deeper water. The boat behind was following too close and it was to late for him to make anadjustment. First his motors hit/stuck causing the bow to fly up then it came crashing back down throwing muddy sand and water all over. It was quite a site. The guys appeard to be fine, so I stayed on course trying to not come off plane before I found deeper water. I don't kow if those guys waited on the tide to unbeach them or if they called SeaTow, I don't think Seatow could have gotten to them though, as we were way off on a flat.</p>
WOW sorry for the tangent. LOLemoHijack </p>