Stuck in mud...

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2008
Rossville, GA
I was just outside the entrance to the ramp at HBSP (as most CFFers know it's really shallow if you get on the far side of those little bouys) on Sunday about 4:30 and seen this big green boat stuck in the mud. I really felt bad for this guy. A cheep depth detector could have save him a couple of bucks. Checkout where the waterline is at the bottom of the green boat. The guy in the bass boat was helping get the tow rope to the stuck boat from the tow boat. He was a good Samaritan. That tow boat has twin 150 hp merc's and was having a really hard time getting it out of the mud. </p>



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I see more boats get stuck there then anywhere else on the lake. last year Davo and I helped tow a dumb a** out of there . he said he knew the lake great, didn't know what he was thinking. :)
I was fishing one of them humps one time and 2 guys wearing Ivy league sailor suits (complete with the hat emoParty ) ... were up on the fly bridge of a large boat, idling from Loret... steered right between 2 shallow water markers and hit the ground, stopping the boat emoEek .... I hear one guy ... (thick British accent) "By jove, I believe we have an impairment!" ... the other one pulled up a map and they both looked at it... then climbed down... walked around to both sides of the boat, pointing to the shallow water markers on each side of the boat and saying "I can't understand why we appear to have run aground? emoConfused " ... "You are correct, we are traversing this passage between the buoys emoScratch " ... my partner spit some tobacco in the water, stood up.... adjusted his overhauls... and said "hey fellers! ... you're going between the wrong buoys" ... he pointed to the red and green ones and told them to try those instead.... they were able to back off the bar... and head around us, thanking us as they went on about their business.... more money than sense emoRolleyes
I responded to a call out there several years ago where a Bass Boat hit that shallow area running wide open. Boat flipped several times and threw both fishermen out. Luckily they only had minor injuries and bruised egos.
That cost him a couple Benjamins.</p>

I have been out of there only once and like you all said it's really shallow outside the bouys. I was a little white nuckled my first time through.</p>

Speaking of big boats being stuck, last year while I was on vacation I was headed out Bogue Inlet in my Nautic Star, and there was a 24'+ Contender (or Fountain) with twin V-do's nipping my heals as I went out about 45-50mph. The inlet appeas to be a straight shot out, only about 1.5 miles long, but the channel actually makes for a series of "S's". Anyway, I guess the big boat behind me thought I knew where I was going but evidently the tide the night before had "moved a bouy". I started feeling sand, and looked at my depth finder and it said 1.5 feet!!!! So I stood on it, and swerved toward deeper water. The boat behind was following too close and it was to late for him to make anadjustment. First his motors hit/stuck causing the bow to fly up then it came crashing back down throwing muddy sand and water all over. It was quite a site. The guys appeard to be fine, so I stayed on course trying to not come off plane before I found deeper water. I don't kow if those guys waited on the tide to unbeach them or if they called SeaTow, I don't think Seatow could have gotten to them though, as we were way off on a flat.</p>

WOW sorry for the tangent. LOLemoHijack </p>
I don't know what time they started trying to get him out but it took them a while. He must have run up there pretty good. The towing bill might be cheap compared to any rudder or prop work he's gonna have.
What bouys? There aren't any. I did that in my boat 2 months after I bought it (right after I moved here). Last thing I saw was 1.7' on the sonar. I was on plane and just about trimmed, running wide open (I believe I would have gone right over it if I was fully trimmed). Cost me about $700, but thankfully I didn't take out the lower unit. My stupidity for not studying the lake before I did such a dumb thing. I consider the mishap my price to pay to learn the lake before running flat out. I have no excuse for my bad.

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