Styrofoam ?

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Lone Oak

Well-known member
Jun 8, 2005
Chattanooga TN
I'm redoing the transom on my tracker (rotted wood). When i got the cap off, I could see that the foam was holding water. I cut some of it away and would like to replace it. Not sure with what. Checked at Lowes and Home Depot and was thinking about that 2 inch thick stuff that comes in sheets 4x8 but it's $30 a sheet....OUCH. I could use Great foam cheaper but not sure if it would have as much or more floating ability.</p>

I only need about 1 foot by 1 foot on each side

anyone with a suggestion?</p>


did you look at one of those styro coolers that is large enough to cut down to size?
I asked a similar question about the correct foam last year. You want what is called - closed cell foam. Stay away from the foam used for the cheap white coolers. The foam will absorb water after time if submerged or constantly soaked in water. The plastic type coolers (48 quart types) have the right type of insulation / foam inside the walls. Find an old cooler and cut one side off and use the foam for your transom. If it's too thin, use both sides to fill you needs.
Good Luck

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