Tach problem

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2011
Harrison TN
Hey all how is everyone doing? Well I have developed an issue with my tach. I have a 98 Mariner 225 Super Mag and up until about 5 days ago the tach worked perfectly. Now it only works well up to around 42-4400 RPMs and when at that RPM I hammer it the needle starts to increase then all the sudden drops down to zero! If I let off and get the RPMs back down under 4000 it starts working fine again. Anybody every had anything like this??? I hate the thought of having to replace the darn Tach.. but hope its nothing more costly!!
Update. Well I change the input rectifier to the tach and have the same problem. After speaking with a mechanic and getting the same suggestions from BBC it seems that the Tach needs to be removed and the adjustment screw in the back needs to be turned back and forth to clean the brushes in the tach hopefully that will work.
Just let me know what the moving the switch does. I have a "test" tach that is in my truck so if you need to swing by and get it you are welcome to it. You know where I am! LOL!</p>



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