Tellico 6-15-06

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2006
Blue Ridge GA
Fished Tellico last night and boy was it slow! We put in at the canal, just as we were putting in there was a bunch of Allisons taking out. Must have had a mini rally or something. Whew!! Nice rides for sure. Just not for me.. Way too fast!
Went riding around all the way up past the old fort. Caught a couple of smallies right at dark on crank baits in lavender shad but not big ones. Came on back down to Clear creek around 11 p.m. and notta, On down to the rich little city (Tellico Village) and fished a few docks. Got a couple of large mouth about 2 1/2 # a piece and then a couple of just keeper smallies. Had a couple of keeper spots and that was about it. Caught them on a Baby Brush hawg and a craw worm. Watermelon green w/chart. Tails seemed to be the ticket, but it sure was slow. Left about 3 this morning and the water temps was still 78.8 at 3 this morning. Thats hot for Tellico side.
Hoping things will go better on the chick this weekend! See you there.!emoThumbsup
Thanks for the report Fisherpal. Tellico can be hit or miss at times, and sounds like you did alright. Semms like they would have bit better since they were generating at Ft. Loudon, but thats fishing. Was it crowded with big boats or quiet? Last time I was up there was on a friday couple weeks ago, and it was pretty quiet.
This weekend is the Allison Rally, so there will be lots of A-botes on Loudon/Tellico.

Last spring I had a real good pattern on Tellico in Bat Creek, skipping 6" lizards under docks. Caught lots of fish that way.
Docks are still decent on Tellico. Try tubes - melon pepper and/or shad. Topwaters early in the AM has been off and on this week. As for the Allison folks, running any bass boat at speed will be a chore down there most days after about 10AM. Be carefull out there, guys!
Traffic wasn't too bad after about 8pm. There was a few straglers running the big boats out there but none after dark. I learned a long time ago not to be out there on a weekend night as it is a crazy place to be with a lot of help from the crazies! emoLaugh We done ok I guess but it would have been better if it had not been so slow. Seems like all we done was after 9 pm it was a bite about every 25 or 30 minutes. Like I said it was slow. But the stars was out in full force and the moon showed around 1:30 am and it was cool. Not much fog and kinda nice riding back down to the ramp.
Sounds like you guys did pretty well quality wise. Keepers have been pretty hard to come by for me. I don't do the night thing any more so I "work" the daylight - dinner shift this time of year. You all have a good one!