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Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Fishin' Junkie - 2/25/2009 10:26 PM

I play online. I used to play in tournaments around town but it seems like alot of people quit playing.

wrong games every night.

love to play myself to much alot of the time.
I used to play in a regular Thursday, Saturday, & Sunday night game at three different locations and none of them are around anymore because of lack of participation. I think it has alot to do with the economy. Alot of people are having to tighten up their belts and cut out some un-necessary spending. And some of the guys I used to play with liked to spend... emoLaugh The craziest thing I ever saw while playing was a guy that won $18k on one hand. The 'poker house' where we played had a progressive bad beat pot running and the guy that won the money lost the hand. He had Aces full of Jacks while the other guy won the hand with quad Jacks. emoEek
I've always wanted to learn how to play, but I would rather use the money to buy fishing tackle instead of donating it to you pros. emoPoke
between fishing an working an trying to keep the better half happy i aint got time for no bad habits,an sone it will be time to mow the yard .i thought i was goint to have to sell my john deere lawn mower last year ,because of the high cost of gas.cant afford to keep gas in it an my boat.lol emoUSA

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