Texting and driving

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Jan 6, 2009
I've had about all I can take! I'm sure some of you drive more than I do and I drive a lot.
I have dodged the bullet 3 times now on near head-on collisions ( last one was today on Ely Rd ) because of some idiot looking at their "mobile device" instead of where they are going. If you don't care about your own life-so be it! But, don't take an innocent person with you.
Last year AAA released a report stating that you are 6 times more likely to have an accident texting while you drive than being legally drunk and driving! $100 fine for texting?! Compared to what for a DUI? Not promoting drinking and driving, I'd like to see the texting fines equal a DUI.
I would guess a few if not many CCF members may well be guilty-hope not.
Please, especially to the kids and newer drivers-bring some awareness to this nearly out of control problem.
And if you text while driving and disagree with me-I'd love to hear your defense!
I saw a commercial for one of the high end cars that has all that computer crap in the dash. So now they are encouraging drivers to use this electronic stuff in the car. Why text when you can call and leave a voicemail? You can get a lot in a 60 second VM.
Gotta agree with you Dragfish. Just this week I avoided three accidents myself, because of people texting or otherwise messing with a phone. Two of them didn't even know they'd almost hit me! They never even looked up from the phone.
I agree! I had a close call about two weeks ago with someone texting and they almost ran me off of the road. It's against the law here in Georgia but you'd never know it when you're driving down the road especially on a four lane where you're passing cars or vice versa. People are constantly driving with there phones in their hands holding them up by the steering wheel texting or emailing. The thing is they know it's against the law and they don't even attempt to hide it, they just hold them out in plain sight like it's no big deal! emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad
How do people think that looking in their lap at 70mph is safe? I've had a few close calls myself and I think it should bear the same punishment as a DUI.
It never came out...but a friend of the 2 young ladies that were killed on 58 a week or so ago (hit the ambulance),said they were more than likely texting. We'll never know. But food for thought.
My brother is a retired police officer up in Indiana and told me a story of a fatal head on wreck he worked.
He had to go into this young girls car after they removed her body and do the accident investigation.
He found her "mobile device" on the passenger side floor board with this on the screen- "Amanda, you there? I didn't get the rest of your text!"
Unfortunately also, the other victim was halled off and was in critical condition.
Hearing my brother tell the story, you could see that it affected him to.
You know, I consider myself a good and responsible driver. I can do more than one thing at a time and some people are lucky to even find their way to work avery day! I will admit that I'm guilty of texting but it took me FOREVER because I hate to take my eyes off the road. I say this because I have been driving for more than 15 yrs now and consider myself well-skilled but that short text really took my concentration off of the road. If it was that hard for me then how do teenagers that are brand new to driving handle this "multi-tasking"? Pretty scary!