that little pond area off 153 @ Amnicola exit...??

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Well-known member
May 6, 2006
Johnson City, TN.
On my way to pick my daughter up after she was at a sleep over Saturday am I was blown away by all the people fishing that little pond just off the south side of Chick dam on 153 @ the Amnicola exit... I saw around 5-6 people in tubes floating it and one or two in a canoe. Then I saw several all bank fishing it. I don't think I had ever seen anyone fishing it before... Just thought I would ask if any knew anything about it..
I think that you are referring to Lake Junior?</p>

If so, they have lots of kiddie events there. If I'm not mistaken, there are some restrictions on who, how, and/ or when you can fish there.</p>
If that's the area I'm thinking about (Lake Jr.) I think they were trout fishing. Every year TWRA releases trout in that lake (pond??) and it will be fished just about every day until March or so.
Yeah, its open Fri, Sat, and Sun until the end of April. I went down there this weekend to check it out and it seemed like everyone was catching fish. You can keep 7 trout per day. Lots of families down there too. emoThumbsup
A buddy of mine caught 13 rainbows between 10-14". Kept his 7 for the table.