My thoughts exactly David. Big catfish have always tasted a good deal stronger to me and I would think that, due to age, they would pick up a lot more contamination. I sure wouldn't want to eat a 40 to 60 lb cat. I only could hear bits and pieces of the conversation this morning but it sounded like they (the people in favor of changing the law) were advocating selling the big fish to pay lakes and ponds. Apparently really big fish like that bring a lot of money when they are sold to pay lakes. From everything I heard it sounded like money was the sole motivating factor in all of this. The guy that introduced the bill kept talking about losing jobs in his district and how this would allow the commercial guys to make a lot more cash. I'm sure it would. But at some point the public good out weighs the profit motive of a few. There are PLENTY of catfish, but I think they wanted to target the big ones. Anyway, sport fishermen won. I sent a thank you letter to our local rep thanking him for his vote.