Well-known member
The radio show this morning went wonderfully, at least from my end of the mike! It was a lot of fun and the time just flew by. Tony is terrific, the crew was great, and Rsimms kept us going in the background. This week's show really did well for mentioning the forum, I can't begin to count the number of times it was talked about - and quite favorably!!!! Thanks to everyone who called in and who got on the chat room, and for all of the nice words. They use a little random-munber generator to select winners, and I almost fell over when Fat Albert actually WON something. Remember, WON is his limit (or is it ONE?) Congrats to both you and MB! I hope I can do it again some time. I guess I need to get a tape of this so I can hear what I actually said, and not what I think I said or meant to say!emoRedface Thanks again everyone!