The CFF/Tony Sanders Show

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2007
Harrison, TN
The radio show this morning went wonderfully, at least from my end of the mike! It was a lot of fun and the time just flew by. Tony is terrific, the crew was great, and Rsimms kept us going in the background. This week's show really did well for mentioning the forum, I can't begin to count the number of times it was talked about - and quite favorably!!!! Thanks to everyone who called in and who got on the chat room, and for all of the nice words. They use a little random-munber generator to select winners, and I almost fell over when Fat Albert actually WON something. Remember, WON is his limit (or is it ONE?) Congrats to both you and MB! I hope I can do it again some time. I guess I need to get a tape of this so I can hear what I actually said, and not what I think I said or meant to say!emoRedface Thanks again everyone!
Eric, I was up late and I missed the show but I plan to listen to it on Tony's website sometime in the near future. If you really want to hear yourself talk, you can usually hear all the past shows if you click on the links. The last few weeks' shows weren't on there when I just looked but I would expect your's on there in the next few days, right tso?
FA won!?!?!?  Who fixed it?

Great show, and I think it will help the forum quite a bit. </p>
Congrats on the show Eric, I don't get up early enough to listen to the show but I plan on listening to it if I can find it on the archives somewhere. This might be a new beginning for you, get into early morning radio and after the show you can still go fishing for the cats. You might end up as the Roland Martin or Bill Dance of catfishermen, especially Bill Dance since both of you have a bunch of uhoh's happen to you.
<font color="#ff0033">for the most part you sounded highly intelligent.  J/K  you done good.  I thought your choice of words about the netters was efficient and covered the subjuct well....that is a concern of mine.  I really think they do harm the habitat... not caring about mortality of the fish they are suppose throw back.... just my .02 worth.  The visual of you standing at the boat ramp in your underwear <u>gave me a full body shiver  </u>    you know we love ya             FA
I was listening until I had to go meet Spurhunter for a couple hours of crappie fishing. You did really good Eric. Sounded like you had a lot of fun. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
Fat Albert - 12/1/2007 12:08 PM
  The visual of you standing at the boat ramp in your underwear <u>gave me a full body shiver 

I'll second that emotion.emoEek I'm STILL trying to get that image out of my head.
EricM did such a good job, I am thinking about making him my permanant guest host. The show came off very well and I had such a good time meeting and talking with Eric (I agree, thinking of speedo's and EricM at the boat ramp is an image I want to erase ). Thanks Eric.

All the callers were a lot of fun. I was afraid it was going to become a tribute to EricM show, but we finally talked about fishing. Had a few hunting calls as well.

I also want to thank Richard Simms. After the show, he and I went out and filmed some additional footage for the TV show on Outdoor Radio Programs. We were fishing below the dam and I had such a good time. We were able to boat a few Smallies. Caught a several kinds of fish besides the smallies. He caught more fish, but I caught the first smallie up in the construction area.

The show is already up on the website. I hope you enjoy it; I surely did!
Thanks for having the "Speedo Man" on the show TSO! First time I have listened to an entire talk-radio show, and I liked it....who knew?!?? </p>

Oh yea BTW, Eric, Tony, Richard.....we have to have a little one-on-three talk about FA winning something, and not me!
Got to tune in on the last 45 min of the show and I loved it, except for the visuals I got from the stories at the end, LOL!!!!:(
I am really glad these shows are archived. I just listened to the file on the TSO site since I missed it this morning. EricM was a great guest bringing his knowledgeable insight and humor as I figured he would. I was impressed and entertained at the same time - Great Job! emoThumbsup

CFF was well represented with 2jigs, WLG, FA, Spurhunter, MadBomber calling in and FA figuring out a good use for the new CFF chat room!

I hope to see the video too - RSimms tells me that TN Wild Side is on PBS so I'll try to be looking out for it.
EricM, You out did youself old man. You are a natural behind the mike. Oh BTW leave out the visuals next time, or at least some of them. emoLaugh
Can someone throw up the link for it? I was getting ready for Christmas parade and missed it. Didn't get home until 11:30 last night.

I'd love to listen because EricM is one of the best story tellers I've ever heard and I'm very curious about the underwear on the dock thing.

Eric, I listened to the show this morning and it was very good, FA got sorta tongue tied but he done ok with winning his prize. Tony's show and the mention of CFF will surely make both show and website grow. Thanks again for doing a superb job on the show.
The show has been great so far, I'm listening to it right now. I'm glad that we can have an advocate on the airwaves. Hopefully we can be good for each other. Thanks again tso for being pro CFF.