Got out today for a few hours and did pretty good. Started off fishing a point that was about 9 foot deep throwing a tube and a shaky head. First fish came on a trap that my partner threw and was a solid three pounder. Moved inside the point and I picked up another good keeper around three pounds on a tube, next cast boated a 15 inch brown fish on the same tube. Fished down the bank and partner caught another good keeper on a manns -1. Worked back down the same bank and had a good fish break off on a tube. While I was tying on partner hooked up on a good fish in the same spot and put it in the boat. It was a beautiful even four pound small mouth. Fished on to the other point and I caught two more on a trap one about three pounds. Lost another good fish on a trap in the same area. Moved to some other locations and caught several fish on a trap and a couple were solid keepers. By the end of the trip we had about 15-16lbs in our best five.