The Fifth Stage of My Hunting Life

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Good Article. I enjoy the fellowship on a good hunting/fishing outing as well but I will confess that I am somewhere in between the Limiting Out Stage and the Trophy Stage (of course trophies around here are a little different than those on the Outdoor Channel). So far, it seems that I have personally followed the pattern of stages as well. Success for me is becoming more and more about the trip and "just being there" than the results, especially now that I have young children who are starting to be interested in the outdoors. Thanks for writing this and posting it!
I am in the final stage as well with one small twist, I like to cook wild game so I do like to have some duck, geese, deer and fish in the freezer for my addiction to eating wild game. Not to mention it does help out a lot on the meat groceries bill. I have gone through those stages all and now just like to get in the woods and watch sometimes. Even though my hunting is often done alone I have a selected few I call up during hunting season and we share our adventures.

I never relized just how I followed that schedule until now when you posted it. I was all about the kill in my younger days. Then it went to the trophy big buck stage, let a smaller eight pass in hopes a larger one was behind it. Then Arkansas came out with a"Triple Award" which was getting a deer three ways, one bow, one muzzle loader and one gun. There for a while I was all about that. Then going to the camp and sitting around the fire was what it was all about. Now I just like to get my fix in a stand and watch what the good Lord has blessed us all with. An occasional buck coming by does not hurt either. emoBigsmile

Good read there Richard. emoThumbsup Jmax
I'm some where between the last stage and the final stage. Getting long in the tooth I guess. Been full circle and wish I could set around the fire one more time with my Daddy, Uncle Clayton, and the ole mountain bunch and listen to some of their stories again. We had quite a ride and hope I have passed something along in my excursions along the way to the next bunch.
I am not sure which stage I fit into. I am at the point to where I have not even carried a gun or taken a deer in the last 3 or 4 years a do not plan on taking one at the moment. I go with my 6 year old son and my 10 year old son and watch them. I would rather watch them harvest a deer any day of the week rather then myself. I have been fortunate enough to take a few nice bucks earlier in my hunting career and have lost all my desire to harvest anymore myself. My boys love going and that now fuels my desire to be in the woods. I like it much better this way.

YOu need to write a letter to John Oxendine about his cavalier attitude about firearm safety. I will have to say I was shocked to read the following quote by Mr Oxendine: “People being peppered from time to time, does happen,” said Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, explaining that shotgun accidents aren’t that uncommon."

Although I don't hunt any longer I have NEVER been peppered while in the field. Caviler attitudes such as Mr Oxendine's give the anti-gunners all of the ammunition they need to further limit our right to bear arms.
rstewart - 1/21/2010 4:04 PM


YOu need to write a letter to John Oxendine about his cavalier attitude about firearm safety. I will have to say I was shocked to read the following quote by Mr Oxendine: “People being peppered from time to time, does happen,” said Insurance Commissioner John Oxendine, explaining that shotgun accidents aren’t that uncommon."

Although I don't hunt any longer I have NEVER been peppered while in the field. Caviler attitudes such as Mr Oxendine's give the anti-gunners all of the ammunition they need to further limit our right to bear arms.

RE: Writing a Letter

Looks to me like you just did. All you need is his address and a stamp. Here's the address:

John Oxendine Governor 2010
P.O. Box 920425
Norcross, GA 30010

You'll have to take care of the stamp. emoBigsmile emoThumbsup
TheMacDaddy - 1/22/2010 5:58 PM

Thought about this last night, I'm on my final stage. I've learned just about everything, except woman

Really? I would have never thought that.
SNUFFY - 1/23/2010 10:32 AM

anybody that hasn`t been peppered with shot ain`t never been in a good dove field in September !!

I agree. But "peppered" is very different fom having to have an ER Doc dig pellets out of your hide. I do believe that Mr. Oxendine misused the term... badly.