the maddog, Chickamauga, white bass smackdown, 11-5-13, Marvin

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the maddog

Well-known member
Feb 2, 2010
east ridge,tn
Well its been a rough last two weeks due to doctor appointments, Xrays and chemo injections that left me weak and puny feeling. So today was the first day that I felt strong enough to go fishing and by luck Marvin called at 3:00 and said he had seen the first wave of seagulls roaming the lower end and wanted to go check on the white bass. We launched out of WT at 4:15 and saw gulls diving on a patch of grass showing up in 4fow, the gulls were frustrated because the grass patch was full of minnows and they couldn't get to 'em. We fished around that patch and couldn't spook the minnows out with our lures...but did catch 3 yellow bass that Marvin had the grand ideal of chunking them in the grass patch, he tossed 'em right in the middle of that grass patch and hundreds of minnows scattered out of there in all directions. The seagulls were appreciative and responded by hovering and diving on the baitfish at once...after about 90 seconds of this and the white bass schooled in a big circle all around the boat and it was "smackdown time"! From 5:10 to 6:05pm it was sure madness trying to keep count and cull whitey's as it was a double up every cast it seemed...if you pulled one off another would get it before youreeled back to the boat and most were really good sized white bass in the 16-17inch range, Marvin was using a lil'cleo and I was throwing a white roostertail...we caught around 75 white bass in that magical twilight hour and had 28 gooduns in the live well when I got home.As darkness prevailed they shut off and went away just as sudden as they appeared but man-o-man was it a blast while it lasted...I have paid my dues this year searching and waiting for this episode of whitey's schooling action to back to the ramp and loaded up, heading home looking in the rear view mirror as I left thesight of thelights sparkling a sprinkle on the lake's surface I thanked The Big Man Above for allowing me another day of good fishing with a good friend as both are sometimes few and far between...the maddog


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Hey Maddog I am Gald to see you out there and you had a whale of a time way to go maddog good luck buddy emoThumbsup emoHungry emoDance emoUSA
When you find them, they can put on a show. Glad you were able to get out today get at them....
I know that you have waited all year for this, MD, and I'm glad that the fish finally showed up and were hungry. Beautiful fish. Thanks for the report. Now, if those Stripers will just join there little buddies. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
Little Visage - 11/6/2013 8:17 AM Atta-boy, Big Bro! There are always bright spots, you just gotta find 'em!

Thanks Lil'Sister, I was lucky to be born with our Father's 'country' state of mind and our Mother's strength of integrity to face diversity head on...there are always a few four-leaf clovers in a two acre field, ya just gotta have the faith to keep focused till ya find one. Big time fish fry is usually on Fridays !! emoHeart emoGrouphug</p>
You and Marvin are the white bass kings emoApplause emoApplause Good to see you getting out there. Will pray that God grants you many more years of fishing. I am hoping to get on the water in the next week or two.

Regards, Norman