the northern part of chick

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Jun 3, 2014
I have been keeping up with all the fishing reports on here so when I finally do get a chance to hit the water I hope to have a good starting point. My only problem is all the reports seem to be either around harrison bay or in that general area so to say. My question is does anybody have any reports from maybe highway 60 bridge north? I do fish south around Chester frost on occasion but I prefer to stay north majority of the time. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I've been thinking about heading up 58 and putting in at the bridge on the Hiwassee and exploring. I have never fished up there. A lot less traffic I would think, especially on the weekends.
I don't know about that area. I do know dayton boat was packed full today along with every other ramp possible to put in with the water down
I wish there were other options north of dayton boat dock to put a boat in during winter pool with a dock. Other than the Meigs county side of cottonport, there is no other place. If there is a tourney at dayton boat dock, you pretty much are out of luck
Fischnrod...I'd be more than happy to go. I just can't guarantee we'd have much to report. Haha. But I would be willing to show you around up north for exchange of some knowledge down south
There was very little parking available Saturday at Grasshopper (Catch Tournament), 58 boat dock or Dayton. Upper end is packed just like the lower end. Good luck
Well pm me your number and maybe we can meet up sometime. I can only fish Friday and Saturdays unfortunately. But things should line up for us sometime.
Bass1090...I could be wrong but it just seems to me the lower end offers more places to launch a boat at winter pool than the upper end. Places including some kind of dock so you don't have to pull your boat on the bank to park your truck.
Yea +1 on no ramps up north with no winter access and a dock. Dayton is only one. And even when they aren't having txs, so many people coming from outta town it's always packed.
Shhhhhh! Don't tell the secret. emoTskTsk Many of the better guys go way up north and come back with big sacks. They don't talk about it much so the majority stay on the south end and get in line behind others to fish. It is a secret that only the good guys know. Don't go north. emoBigsmile Jmax
I have found it to be pretty crowded north of grasshopper. Not sure where all those boats come from. I do like fishing some of the creeks above Dayton last summer I had some good days just flipping cypress trees in those sloughs.
+1. I agree... No one should fish north of soddy daisy boat ramp. It's not like you can catch fish on the points of every cut off. Especially with finesse jigs on light line, early in the mornings.