Went today from 11 to 5 and had a pretty good day. Started out on the crappie and caught about 20 on yellow and red jigs. Had one that was 16 inches. Biggest crappie I have caught in a while. Caught them all shallow in 3 to 6 feet in the WT/ Savannah area. At about 2 started fishing for bass. Right off ran into BassBullet and we campared notes. The bass just were not hitting in the Wolf so I went out into the main lake. As I was coming up to the area I have been catching schoolers I saw them breaking.emoSmile Started chunking the puppy and they nailed it. Over the next couple of hours I boated about 20 bass and had several more blow up and some come off. They were hitting it so fast they missed it a lot. None were really all that big but I had a couple that would have measured. Overall a very nice day to be on the water.emoThumbsup Jmax