They were schooling today pretty good! 8/25/2006

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Feb 5, 2023
Worked this morning till about 9:30 and went out with the dog. It was overcast and cloudy with a slight breeze blowing. I couldn't stand it, got the boat ready and went fishing. I got on the water at 10:00 and fished till 6. Was out there in most folks mind the worse time of day but I FOUND SCHOOLERS on a lot of the flats and points. I must have caught somewhere between 40 to 50 bass with the biggest only about 16 inches and it was a small mouth. I only managed one keeper LM but had a lot of fun. Lost one other keeper getting it to the boat. Most of the fish I caught were in only 2 to 6 feet and chasing shad. The majority were caught on a zara Spook puppy. I did catch some on a silver buddy, a crank and a few on a finesse worm. I love the top water bite and it was aggressive today. Several times I had one hit it and get hung but come off, than another would hit it before it even got back on top. Love to watch them blow up. Good day for numbers.emoCool Jmax
Thanks for the report! I'm going to do some more deep structure searching tomorrow afternoon. If it does not pan out, it will be nice to have your report in mind as a back-up plan if conditions are similar.
Sounds like lots of fun Jmax. I wish that I could have been with you but it was my day to do yard work today. You and I both know how great that topwater bite is some days in the heat of the summer, I just love it!!!!! Keep those lines tight Jmax.
They were doing it again yesterday. I went out from 4 to 10 after I got back from shopping with the wife.emoRolleyes I was not sure they were there and started throwing a worm and WHAM! I bet I had six fish in a row. There was very little surface action but they were in the same area. There was no way I could keep track of how many I caught. I would guess that I boated around 60 to 70 bass. I only had three keepers in the bunch that would have gone about 6 1/2 to 7 lbs but that is sure fun to catch them like that. All were LM except one smallie and I think he was lost.emoLaugh I only had a couple on a puppy so they wouldn't come to the top like Friday as easy. But pitching a worm over grass and just reeling in slowly was the ticket. I almost had to swim it to keep it out of the Niead grass. I bet they are there to stay until the draw down. There was a couple of times I had large schools of one inch shad swim by so that is why they are there. I love this time of year.emoWorthy Jmax

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