Thieves in Wolftever

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May 23, 2008
Some dirt bag, derilct, scum suckin leach has stolen several tubes and floating islands in Wolftever. Would love to catch the piece of crap that would steal toys that my little kids play on. They're not that much money. How bout you just work a couple hours and buy one? Nothing more sorry than a thief. Would love to pull an all nighter in my tree stand in the backyard. </p>

Rant Over.</p>
Its sad that you cant leave anything out without someone stealing it. Im with you, these sorry people/person needs to get out and make some money if they want something. I live on a dead end road in the country where we used to never locked a door and would leave the keys in every vehicle all the time. Its even started to get where we are having things come up missing around here. Now we have to lock every door, window, & vehicle even when im at home. Its just sad the world we live in these days.
SpurHunter - 7/1/2013 4:05 PM

I bet it was drunks out all night, and one said, "hold my beer and watch this"

Has to be. I cant imagine those things being worth anything at a pawn shop. Plus if it was a meth head they would have been after all the cooper in the wires on the docks. Either way they are still low life thieves.
Had to be on the water. I would assume it was kids or drunks. They got mine and a couple of the neighbors. Just sucks you can't leave something out thats not locked down. I would sometimes leave rods and tackle box down on the boat but not anymore.
a tree stand and some 12 gauge shells re-loaded with rock salt would stop that problem. I hate a thief more than anything. hope you catch the idiots
Put a old tank of sugar gas on the dock, you never know they may run out of gas one night.
Its not like they will be back, I mean look at what they stole. They didn't get any money out of it, so they are not going after more. I still say it was drunks.
Some of the kids who actually live along the creek spotted your Toys and "Borrowed" Them .. You do realize there are Hundreds of kids that run that creek on their Jet-skis looking for excitement and adventure. True, there are adults who will steal anything not locked down, however, due to location and conditions, I would suspect disrespectful spoiled brats.
It's crazy in tenn. I mean I was watching FLW LIVE last week and they said a co-angler got all his stuff stole out of the boat while they where in a reastraunt eating. Lucky some guy seen him wrote down the tag # and turned him in and the cops found him and got all his stuff back. Now that's crazy.
I think spur is saying he was drunk, told his buddy here hold my beer. Then said watch this, and jumped on your float! Lol we have one if you would like it, used it once. Good luck depending on your/ our local law enforcement agencies doing any good. They typically have more important things to deal with.

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