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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2005
What started out as a a father son fishing trip today ended as soon as we got to Uncle Bob's storage where I keep my boat. As I was hooking up the trailer Jack asked if I left the rod locker open. I said no and then he lifted it up and said - Dad there is nothing in it! My stomach started to knot up and got worse as Jack opened each locker and announced "Nothing" We are both sick! Spent an hour an a half with Chattanooga Police. That was eight years of accumulating the "right" tackle and gear as I started out as a newbie and slowly began to acquire nicer rods and reels and specialty tackle for all seasons! emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad I have never felt so violated! They even stole my life jackets and boat gear - two custom basscat lifejackets, two save face masks, two custom rain suits, cabela's 100 mpg goretex bought from beetlespin, Quantum pinnicles bought from Dropshot, Nuclear custom frog rod bought from Damon, This one really really hurts - three custom rods from Fat Albert that I had grown especially fond of!! I just bought $45 of Foley spoons from SpurHunter - Erik we were so pumped after reading your report today that we were headed to the dam to tty those babies out! Man I am sick! I can't eat - probably won't sleep. I have been working nonstop at the office and really looking forward to today! emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad All rods had BassCat rod covers on them if anyone sees them I would like to know. Tackle hard baits and soft cases had lables or magic marker on them except some of my newer ones. My Boga grips , tungsten pliers emoHoppingmad emoHoppingmad Oh they forgot to take the Berkley Bait Scent Spray in the passenger cupholder - !! emoHoppingmad Please be on the lookout - Thanks emoPolice
I'm sorry man. Damn...I hate a LOW LIFE THIEF. Where was your boat stored, if I may ask?
I mean what area. I may be hitting some pawn shops soon....looking for a cross-bow. Where is Uncle Bobs?
I'm sorry to hear of your loss, but you just can't leave equipment in a boat, anywhere unless you plan to sit there 24 / 7 with a scoped rifle. The locks on boat lids are a big joke at best. Only the Pro's use those lock bars to cover there lid lockers and those can be broken easily with a thief's determined effort. Does Uncle Bob have any insurance on his establishment? I doubt it, Not responsible huh? Do you have any? I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I don't leave equipment in my old boat even when I'm haveing it serviced at a dealership. Again, sorry, and I'll be on the lookout.
Uncle Bob's on Hixson Pike
I appreciate your looking at the pawn shops
Yeah it is awful and yes I could take everything off each time but I am lazy I guess and put too much faith in the security measures of the storage place. They do have cameras so maybe we will learn something from that. :(
Doesn't help you. But a friend of mine lost ALL of his commercial mowing equpipment from that location, this summer. about $30,000 worth. He thinks.....inside job. Yes it was stored inside.

I believe they told him...the camers were off, for some reason. He's thinking....inside job/connections!!!!
That is what I thought about too - inside job - or else someone rented a unit there in order to gain access and then started scoping the place out. I wish I had known about the earlier theft. I guess they keep that quiet huh! Sorry about your friends lawn equipment. I have been there over 4 years without any issues at all until now
Man Im so sorry to hear about this, and its beginning to be more and more common. All of us that are working to get what we want for a hobby we love and some low life looking for a few dollars thinks that they can take whatever they want. Wish we still had vigilante justice. Do they have insurance on the storage unit and do you have theft insurance on your boat?
with all the crime at that storage they have dirty employees or some shady customers! Sorry you lost all your stuff! That is horrible.
Ditto to all the above. I would be worried if those cameras were off again. emoTskTsk Jmax
Man Bill, I am so,sorry to,hear that. We have been talking about storing the boat somewhere next year, to,open the garage, and it's things like this that keep me hesitating.

If you want to borrow some rods or tackle, let me know- I sure as heck haven't been able to use them lately.
Thanks for the thoughts everyone. The manager at Uncle Bob's worked very hard today and there is some tape of someone so they are trying to identify who it is. Maybe good news! I have been working on my insurance claim with Boat US today. I hope they are easy to work with!
Even if cameras are rolling, smart thieves will park large vehicles between the camera and target unit. They often cut the lock, take the loot and put a new lock on the unit. That way, management does not have a clue until the tenant returns and finds a new lock on his unit. Sucks, but be aware that you should use one of those pick proof, hardned steel locks on storage unit doors. But a determined, well equipped thief will get in anyway, it's just more time consuming. Unless they have targeted your unit specifically, they'll usually move on to easier pickings.

When my boat is out of my garage, I do not let it out of my sight. I will not even leave it in a restaurant parking lot unless I can see it through a window during the meal. Even then, I'm primed and ready to dash out into the parking lot for a major confrontation. If I have to confront someone, I don't plan on being on the losing end, so I always bring my helper along, if you get my drift.

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