thinking about buying a black powder piston

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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2016
I looked at some at cabellas and I don't like the ones with real long barrel. I'm not sure if i'm spelling the name right, but the the ones I looked at were pietas. I don't want to spend a fortune, but want a nice one. Which is best when it comes to easy loading and shooting. How much difference between the army or navy, I have looked on the internet, but they will say anything to sell a gun. Rather have first hand know how from one of you.
I have the 1860 Army. Yes it's a long barrel but I love the looks and feel of it. I'm looking for a decent holster so I can carry it during muzzle loading season. A close range shot and the right sabot will put one down. If your a Facebook user PM me here with your name on facebook and I'll add you to a great group! You'll find more info and have questions answered much better there.
Thanks for getting back at me, I've never been on face book and don't know how. And my wife don't know how to ever get off of it. Ha! Ha! Have you checked cabelas for a holster, they had some nice ones but not sure of the size for a long barrel.

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