Thinning nuisance deer?

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2007
Got about 20 Deer hanging around my driveway. My dogs wake me up at all hours barking. Can I legally do anything about the deer. I know I can legally shoot my dogs but what about the deer?
Yes there is. You can call TWRA and have the population assessed for depredation permits. However, if the deer are not overpopulated and not causing unacceptable damage/degradation to the environment or crops (outside of causing your dogs to bark) they aren't going to issue you permits to take any.

Tell ya what, call me next deer season and I'll help you out....ha.

I am totally surprised there is not a deer/vehicle collision on Hunter rd, everyday.
Contact your buddies that have kids who want to hunt this weekend. EIther sex for two more days then will have to wait till September.
Yea!!!! Warn all the neighbors and get about 20 juvinile hunters to come over this week-end and place them where everyone is shooting in a safe direction, and dare them to walk out!!! emoEnforce
The Juvenile Hunt is this weekend and I would not mind having my 16 year old thin them by two..</p>

I have two friends who were totally unsuccessful this season and are begging for my son toharvesta deer for them. We have deer in the freezer but none extra to share.</p>

My place is not that big, 25 acres, and you have to know where you can and can't shoot so you don't hit the work shop or the hillside observation deck or whizz one over a house a quarter mile away emoScratch
Liveliner - 1/9/2013 8:35 PM

The Juvenile Hunt is this weekend and I would not mind having my 16 year old thin them by two..</p>

I have two friends who were totally unsuccessful this season and are begging for my son toharvesta deer for them. We have deer in the freezer but none extra to share.</p>



David you crack me up...LOL You have one of the most heavily populated deer leases in the state and watched HUNDREDS of deer run by your stand being a trophy hunter, now your saying you dont have enough meat to give away? PULL THE FREAKING TRIGGER man!</p>
Well I really did not want to do that 65 mile drive. And besides I have named all my pets over there. This man has issues with pests. Maybe I was just feeling his needs. Maybe???
To digitalcb ... Regarding the concern for danger to structures. We do not shoot "AT" Deer ... Each and ever shot is to shoot the deer and Not At the deer... Big difference there. You do have a valid concern there because in the excitement many hunters may be unaware of what lies beyond their target.
SpurHunter - 1/11/2013 8:22 AM <div>
Liveliner - 1/9/2013 8:35 PM

The Juvenile Hunt is this weekend and I would not mind having my 16 year old thin them by two..</p>

I have two friends who were totally unsuccessful this season and are begging for my son toharvesta deer for them. We have deer in the freezer but none extra to share.</p>



David you crack me up...LOL You have one of the most heavily populated deer leases in the state and watched HUNDREDS of deer run by your stand being a trophy hunter, now your saying you dont have enough meat to give away? PULL THE FREAKING TRIGGER man!</p>

I am having a very hard time stopping the laughter. Now I must clean the coffee spray off my monitor... Thanz Eric... ?</p>
If your dogs are pinned up I would turn them out and if they are not in a pin I would invest in some more dogs. The deer around my house usally run from dogs.