Throtle cable or ??? Need advise

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2009
I got my ignition fixed sunday, so monday I took the boat out early to test her out. For a little bit the boat would run around 4000 rpm and ran ok but would not get up to top speed. Then the boat would only top out at about 2200 RPM with the throtle wide open and after a while she just died. I could crank her up and while in nuetral she would rev up, but as soon as I put her in gear she would bog down. I am wondering if this has something to do with the throtle cable or could it be something else?
get some one to hold your hot foot or lever wide open(not running)and see if it is opening all the way.sounds like you have another problem.
Oldman, I did have my wife push the lever and it looked like it moved all the way opening the 3 carbs and all. It may be another problem. Hopefully Wrenchin2 will see this and let me know what is going on and my next course of action. I am just glad
Wrenchin2 knows 2 cycle motors. Dunlap is a far piece from Ooltewah, but worth the trip.
I can meet you at chick dam and look at it after work. I get off around 5 and leave at 5:30. So just get back with me and we will see what we can do for ya!

Got the love the joys of getting one thing repaired and something else breaks!! Sorry you had issues.
Well, Wrenchin Did meet me at the dam and checked it out. Turns out the carbs needed a rebuild and also the fuel pump needed rebuilding. I asked if he would remove the automatic oil injection also. I took the boat to him and He and Wes did the job. They also cleaned, and indexedthe engine and checked it all out. The cost was not to bad at all. I finally got to take it out to the chick Yesterday before it stormed. The boat Idled at an even 800/900 rpm. When going past the wake zone it ran an even 1000 rpm's without the engine dying. The boat would go easily up to 5600 rpm's (usually my max) and the boat ran wonderful. I believe it now runs better than it ever has, Thanks to Wrenchin2 (James Perry) and Wes. I highly recommend Wrenchin2 for any of your boating problems and additional horsepower. The only thing I have to do extra now is mix the oil and gas. Hopefully I can start doing a little more fishing and just plain joy riding.emoSmile

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