Thurs. Night Dog Fight was poor. 7-20-2006

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Feb 5, 2023
Not a good night for me and Tarheel. Hit my first stop where I have been doing well and they were just not there. About 15 minutes into fishing it tarheel gets a phone call and I get a hit. Well...kind of a hit. They were deep in about 20 feet tonight and I picked up on the worm and it was just heavy. Set the hook and the rod doubled. I shouted at tarheel, "Fish on, get the net!!!!!" he got off the phone as I was trying to turn her and get her to the boat. It was a big fish and as she started to come up I slowed down and lowered the rod. Got her up under the boat and tarheel was standing there ready to net her and for no apparent reason she just came off.emoBang That ruined it for me, I don't know about you all but when you have a monster on right off and loose her in the tournament it really puts a downer on the rest of it. My next spot I managed three with two keepers but skinny fish. We fished shallow and there was just no action. We had several hits where they had it but just would not take it. I had three times where i brought in half my worm after setting the hook.emoScratch We managed in all only seven fish tonight and only the two skinny keepers that went 3.82lbs. Not what I expected for sure. I also learned something about myself, I do not like only having three hours. I felt I was in a race the whole time. I may try this again but right now I am just not sure.

The one thing I did like about the night was the ones that won first place and big bass was an older couple that looked like grandma and grandpa.emoSmile All these fancy boats and pro looking types running around and those two take all the marbles. That was great!!!emoTongue They only had two keepers but one was like 6 and a half and the other was like two and a half so they had 9 lbs with two fish. They paid four places and fourth was right at eight so it was tight with a pound between first and fourth.

See ya on the water.emoCool Jmax
RE: Thurs. Night

Holy smokes Jmax ... I've never seen you at such a loss for words!!! emoLaugh

Tell us how the dogfight went and then get to bed ya old codger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: Thurs. Night Dog Fight was poor.

emoLaugh emoLaugh Thanks guys I needed a laugh.emoLaugh emoUpsmile I accidently hit the enter button when I wrote the title. I went back in to finish it but you all were seeing my mistake. Now that was a good laugh to end the night.emoBigsmile Jmax
Chris and I had a adventurous evening. I did notice that there were many CFFrs representin' tonight. Got to meet new member, Cope for the first time. Anyway we raced down river and as soon as we got there it was mass hysteria as usual. Chris's 2nd cast was a keeper, Then I had one come off, then landed 2 more that were very close but short. I picked up the Churly Edition emoLaugh DJW Deep Blade and it never hit bottom, Then Chris nailed one. Double!! Anyway I reached down to help chris net his barely hooked fish while mine jumped off emoBang ! We caught a few more slicks and i finally boated another keeper on a 10" T-rig worm. Here's the highlight of my night! Things started to really slow down and I am sitting in the seat retying when Chris yells good fish! I started to reach for the net and the fish pulls loose. Right at the boat a nice 3+lb fish smacks his CB and I reached for the net, as I turned my head back to look for the fish i was greeted with a DD22 to the grill! And it stuck there. I was going to cuss about the fish when I realized Chris was looking at me funnyemoEek Yep in the cheek, past the barb! To make an even longer story short. I had chris remove the bait from the hook, I then took the hook and forced it back out of my face. At this point Chris is turning green, he held it together long enough to cut the barb with the only pair of pliers in the boat, and I pulled it out! We continued to fish and could not get Mr. #3. Oh well this will be a night I wont soon forget! All fish caught in 13-16ft,on CBs, C-rigs, T-rigs, and SBs! Sorry for the long post had to share the experience!
RE: Thurs. Night Dog Fight was poor.

I got to meet Cope also, nice to meet you there Cope. I guess the fish for whatever reason were just not in much of an aggressive mode. Sounds like you had your share of missed and lost fish also. I lost track of how many times I pulled the trigger and missed. I do know I had three half worms and that is a lot for just three hours. It was good to see you again also Churly.emoThumbsup Jmax
Dang guys, I was looking forward to seeing CFF in the top spots. Churly, I know how that feels, but only in the thumb, to the bend of the hook. Not fun. Well, maybe next week for sure.

And Jmax, I know exactly what you mean about feeling like you are in a race. I don't like the 3 hour deal. Mostly because I suck and it takes me that long to find a fish, but you almost have to start out in panic mode. My neighbor and I did ok a couple of weeks ago by just fishing, just like me and RR did on Gville. I have got to quit trying all of this new stuff and just get back to my strengths.
I can relate Davo, I think looking back on it I was rushing the hook set. Too keyed up and than on that big one I may have rushed it as well trying to get it to the boat. I know for sure if I had just been out fishing I would have taken my time and enjoyed the fight. Instead I was bent on getting her close enough for tarheel to net and the results was she came off. I think she had her mouth open and shaking under water and I pulled the hook free trying to rush it. She was heavy and I was pumped, live and learn.emoRolleyes Jmax
Three hours is not alot of time!If you're not "on" fish it's pretty much a waste of time.If you ARE on fish you have to keep telling yourself to slow down and forget about the time and concentrate on what you're doing.I enjoy them but I have not fished as many this year,I've found that I enjoy the longer T's better and feel like I have a better chance than in a dogfight.
I feel sorry for you churly with the hooks...... no one really knows how tough the skin, meat are until you get a hook in there.... Please, don't laugh but the only time I have had to get hooks out of me was when I fell into an opened tackle box in my den.... DUH.... took me 15 minutes to get um out... all the time my wife was laughing and did not help one bit. not nice I told her... on two of them I had to clip the hooks and pull through... best way when you can't back'um out...... emoGeezer emoGeezer
I think that the cheap three hour tourneys are terrific practice for longer ones. I like the dog-fights because for three hours I fish as hard as I ever do! Those Txs have been three fish for 2 years now, but before, when 5 were allowed, I have seen a 27+ lb bag weighed in, of course they had a 7+ LM, I have also seen a 9+lb SM weighed in several years ago. Point: Those tourneys are always fun! Chris and I have fished them since highschool and i think they have made me a better fisherman. Plus in a 3 fish tourney, you can afford to go after big fish rather than a quick limit and I prefer size over numbers any day! Now that Rogne's fishing BASS, its anyones game!

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