Not a good night for me and Tarheel. Hit my first stop where I have been doing well and they were just not there. About 15 minutes into fishing it tarheel gets a phone call and I get a hit. Well...kind of a hit. They were deep in about 20 feet tonight and I picked up on the worm and it was just heavy. Set the hook and the rod doubled. I shouted at tarheel, "Fish on, get the net!!!!!" he got off the phone as I was trying to turn her and get her to the boat. It was a big fish and as she started to come up I slowed down and lowered the rod. Got her up under the boat and tarheel was standing there ready to net her and for no apparent reason she just came off.emoBang That ruined it for me, I don't know about you all but when you have a monster on right off and loose her in the tournament it really puts a downer on the rest of it. My next spot I managed three with two keepers but skinny fish. We fished shallow and there was just no action. We had several hits where they had it but just would not take it. I had three times where i brought in half my worm after setting the hook.emoScratch We managed in all only seven fish tonight and only the two skinny keepers that went 3.82lbs. Not what I expected for sure. I also learned something about myself, I do not like only having three hours. I felt I was in a race the whole time. I may try this again but right now I am just not sure.
The one thing I did like about the night was the ones that won first place and big bass was an older couple that looked like grandma and grandpa.emoSmile All these fancy boats and pro looking types running around and those two take all the marbles. That was great!!!emoTongue They only had two keepers but one was like 6 and a half and the other was like two and a half so they had 9 lbs with two fish. They paid four places and fourth was right at eight so it was tight with a pound between first and fourth.
See ya on the water.emoCool Jmax
The one thing I did like about the night was the ones that won first place and big bass was an older couple that looked like grandma and grandpa.emoSmile All these fancy boats and pro looking types running around and those two take all the marbles. That was great!!!emoTongue They only had two keepers but one was like 6 and a half and the other was like two and a half so they had 9 lbs with two fish. They paid four places and fourth was right at eight so it was tight with a pound between first and fourth.
See ya on the water.emoCool Jmax