Tilt and trim not working

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Well-known member
May 14, 2006
I have a 79 Evinrude 115 the motor tilted down fine but when we tried to go back up nothing. Don't hear the pump motor running, I found what I thought was a release so I could raise the motor manually but every time I start to lift the motor this lever flips back to it's original position. Any suggestions on the apparent electrical problem or how to get the motor raised manually would be appreciated.
Try to jump the trim straight to battery. Black to -, blue to +. If this works your problem is at the switch or relay. If not it is at the pump.
Yep, if the pump is bad it won't go up or down, it will go down and not up it's either a relay or bad switch, does your boat have more than one trim switch? Also there should be a manual release screw some where near where the motor bolts to the boat, once you open that screw it will release and you should be able to lift the motor manually.
I think the 79 had the single seoloind for up and wired straight to switch for down. Should be a three wire motor. Black to negative, green to positive for down. Blue to positive for up.
The screw they are talking about....MAY be left handed threads. Use a little caution there.
Thanks for all your help I gave the info to my son and after rewiring a somewhat melted connector and replacing a fuse he found that the switch was sticking in the down position probably overloading the fuse and heating the wiring up. He replaced the switch and we're good to go. Info like you can get from people that have experienced these problems is great and saves both time and money. Thanks again.
just for future reference ...the straight blade screw is in the mounting bracket on the starboard side. It is really deep in the bracket and kinda hard to see. I`m pretty sure it is standard lefty loosey thread. Loosen it and raise the motor...and tighten the screw while you hold it up. Should stay put then. Loosen to let it back down and retighten....or the trim won`t work!!