Today(Thurs. by 7:00 pm) is the dead line to sign up for the CFF tournament #10.

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2023
Just thought I would throw it out there. emoAngel Seems we always have someone loose track of the deadline and with Labor day this past Monday I know my days have been messed up all week. If you are not fishing the Daytonstrong tournament and have 200 posts between you and your partner now is the time to sign up for the CFF tournament. emoBigsmile Jmax
OOPS!!!! My bad, I have been hearing several call the Chattanooga Strong tournament the Daytonstrong tournament ever since you guys changed the location from Chattanooga to Dayton. Sorry.
I figured it was another shot at it like you guys had been taken. Never seen so many people get upset about a good thing. If you make a jab just own up and say it don't talk around it.
I am absolutely sick to death of CBA TX guys starting **** on here. If you haven't noticed we have lost a bunch of regular posters, and several have stated its because of the comments from these individuals.
Thank you Spur! Guys, I'm not against the CBA. I would like to fish some of their Tx's. someday but damn it, if they are having a Tx. or anything sanctioned and blessed by them then everyone else is supposed to roll over and give them all total access to the lake, ramps, everything. No one else is worthy so just bow down, kiss their ass and pay homage! That's their mentality and it seems to have gotten worse in the past couple of years. I guess maybe that's what happens to you when you become an officer!? Any other Tx. or event is just beneath them and unworthy. If the CBA didn't have use and access of this forum, what the hell would they do? As I recall, they tried to create there on CBA Forum and it failed miserably. So they came back to the CFF Forum to promote themselves and trash everybody else! I will end my rant now, and I do feel better!
Well said Earl! I also think as well when they became BASS affiliated and have 2 teams for a national qualifier they turned into BIG ME, LITTLE YOU..I fish tourneys for fun and competition, not to turn pro. I feel the same, they use the CFF for advertisement and that's it!!!

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