Toys for Tots Crappie tourny results

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2008
hwy 58
I want to start by saying thanks to all who fished this tournament and donated toys.... And Thanks to Lakesite Grocery for donating $40.00 to the Toys for Tots..And to Dixie Boy for donating his Bigfish pot to the Toys for Tots...
Results Are

1st place Dixie Boy and Heath 11.2lbs and Big fish 2.02

2nd Place Mark Grimsley & Brad Davis 8.14ibs

3rd Place Polo Dog & D haun 8.6
Great bag of fish Dixie Boy and Heath. Brad and me had numbers but no big fish. Brad went back to old school and used yellow split tails i used my yellow and white tube. We fished docks in 8-10 foot of water.The best fish came on the yellow split tails.
Great to meet a few of you, and I apologize for not meeting more of you. Congrats on a nice tournament and some great fish!
thats a big sack of crappie!! good job guys im sure the kids will be grateful for all the gifts they will be getting
YES, YES, YES! What a great day of fishing! After the final tally, My partner & I caught 80 Keeper crappie during the tour. That is probably one of the best days of crappie fishing I have ever been a part of. We would fish a spot, and after catching 10 fish that would not cull what we had, we would move to a new spot. Fish after fish after fish after fish, it was non-stop all morning. Every spot we fished, we left them biting. One of our tour fish was 14.5", and the other 6 were 13"+. We figured that of the 80 keepers, that 25 to 30 were all over 13"s Everything was caght tighlining 1/16oz jigs. I am proud to say that after we had our 7 keepers, I fished only with my Monkey Town Jigs, and they perfomed great! Used 3 different colors & all three seemed like a crappie designed them, cause they were just what they wanted. I'm tickled to death...sorry. I enjoyed it, and thank everyone for showing up. I think we need to start a "crappie club", maybe the "Chickamauga Crappie Club", and have an annual fee to be a member, and only members can fish the tours. which would be 1 per month, with a classic in December. With Mr. Drumking as "THE PRES"! As the retired Pastor Ben Haden used to say, "Lets talk about it."
I like the idea of a crappie club and would love to be a member of it.... We just need to find someone to run it...... Anyone willing??????
Great bunches of big crappies guys! It was a beautiful day to fish and the fish were biting like crazy. DHaun came out of retirement to fish this one with me and it was great to have him in the boat to catch up on life with him. We caught fish on bluffs, docks, and deep structures associated with a creek channel. We fished 1/16oz jigs with Panfish Assassins and BG shads for deep fish and fish in current and 1/32 oz jigs under docks. Most of the fish were caught deep with about a 30 second count before beginning our retrieve. We had large numbers of fish that were over 12 inches and very few that if any that were non keepers. DHaun lost a big one at the boat that might have made our weight a bit bigger but we only had one fish that was close to 14 inches. We had a terrible time trying to figure out which fish to weigh as they were all cookie cutter fish, all looked the same size, a good problem to have. All of our fish were caught on the lower end of the lake and there has been high pressure on the fish that I had found a couple of weeks ago but I was really thankful that they were cooperative for us. It was great to see everyone and contribute to the Toys for Tots program. Congrats to the #1 and #2 teams! Those were some great sacks of fish!
congrats to Dixie Boy and Heath for another very impressive sack emoWorthy as well as a nice sack of toys for the USMC toys for tots ... ooh- RAH !

River Rat, NightRider and i had a decent limit early and caught a ton of 11" fish most of the morning (lost count) with one fish after another and a couple of doubles .

with most fish coming off of docks or submerged tree tops on 1/16 oz jigs and bg blue/pearl shads. our one bigger fish (13-1/2) came off of deep vertical structure bouncing off of the bottom (NightRider)

just could not locate the bigger fish today, but still had a ball getting to fish with friends and getting to meet a few folks i had not yet met from the forum.

DB i would be all over a crappie club and a monthly tourney series.
Congrats to the winners. I did not fair so well but there is always another time. I would love to see a crappie club happen. I think if there was an actual club that there would be a better turn out on the TX.
Bamabass and I had a ball. We got stuck in the fog just above skull island and I didn't think we would ever get out of it. We didn't get to start fishing untill almost 9:30. We caught our limit in about 20 min. but just couldn't catch any big ones. Only got to fish for 1 hour and then had to make our long run back. We caught our fish on minnows and red and green tubes. Had a good time all in all