Trailer Bearings

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Well-known member
Nov 20, 2016
2018 Nitro Z19
This has happened twice. Day after fishing, go out to wipe down boat and (from back of boat) left side rear, the one with brakes, has green grease running out of one lug nut down rim. There is nothing getting slung around so I assume it happens after I park it. Checked brake fluid and it is clear. Any ideas from y’all?
Shane, is that lug nut seated and tight? I am not sure how grease could be coming out around a lug nut. I there any possibility that you are using a green colored synthetic bearing grease which tends to liquify a bit when warm and is dripping from around the bearing buddy or dust seal on the hub and dropping onto the lug and running down the rim..if so you can clean the dust seal or bearing buddy and put a little bead of silicone around it..
Check to see if the brake is sticking. I had an issue where the disc brake was dragging and it caused the bearing to heat up which in turn caused the fluid to leak out.
I have not. Tightened the lug nuts and marked the one it was. We were going to watch it again next time we pulled it to see if it was that lug-nut or just the one on the bottom. It wasn’t a lot, just a single line down to tire. Will keep you posted.
I had the same issue on a ranger and I checked the calipers like sdfd said and they were not dragging so I called ranger they said to put bead of silicone around the dust cap and it went away ...fixed it, I just pried the dust cap out a little(same thing with a bearing buddy) and cleaned it with denatured alcohol and put a small bead of silicone and drove it back in