Trailers being stolen in Hamilton County.

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2013
Chattanooga, TN
I remembered Hook1's post about his buddies boat being stolen by a green truck. Heres a news story my wife just texted me. It mentions the green truck and also a black F-150. These 2 trucks are stealing trailers overs Hamilton County. Not just boat trailers. So keep your trailers locked up. Story mentions putting a mark in a secret spot that only you know so that you can identify your triler if the serial numbers are removed. Here's the story:
A Pastor at my church in Cleveland had two trailers stolen 2 weeks ago in Cleveland. Very nice trailers! I can't stand when this happens. Hopefully they will get caught SOON!
Keeping eyes open... People have got to allow this to penetrate your thinking so it will Flash into your mind each and every time you see a Ford like these two with a trailer attached. Most people with common sense can tell when a trailer is being pulled empty. If you can see the hitch and there is No lock, I would flag this.. Get the tag and call it in. So what is someone gets a visit... If they no longer have a trailer to show the cops that could be their boy.. hard to prove.. But if they have a back yard full of Trailers and boats... You are a hero..
My 1994 Custom-Line trailer ( Bullet Boat ) does not have a serial number. If it does, I can't find it.
Does anyone know where to look?
Here's what I tell people when I take these reports. Take pictures of everything valuable and put it on a flash drive. I mean serial numbers and any identifying marks. On your trailers what's going to happen usually is that the serial number gets ground off and the trailer painted. Get someone with a welder and get up under the frame weld your initials on somewhere only you'd know it was.

We run across these trailers and know it's stolen but no paperwork on them and just a description of a 8x10 flatbed with a gate isn't going to work for a recovery.

Again put it all on a flash drive if anything happens you can it to us and say here's everything that was stolen. Now we have something to look at when we go to pawn shops or when we stop someone with a load of known stolen stuff but can't prove it.

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