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Apr 13, 2006
Chattanooga, TN
I took a ride down between Suck Creek and Racoon Mt. today, and I was wondering if anyone can tell me what the boxes that are tide aprox every 100 yards or so along the banks.  I was wondering if they are some sort of traps? They appear to float, made out of hardware cloth and have a opening at the top.
I have heard they are turtle traps, I have no idea but there are quite a few up there.
I ain't seem them Rolm.  Therefore I can not comment on them. </p>

I do see that you are a new Poster/Member on CFF so I can
 you to the forum.  Very happy to have you aboard.</p>
Seen them as well. We saw a huge flat bottom aluminum boat checking them one day but we could not tell what they were getting out of them.
I'm not sure about TN state laws but about 10-15 years ago it used to be legal here in Alabama to sell turtles to "exotic" buyers over seas for a couple dollars apiece. Turtles about the size of silver dollars or slightly larger could be plucked from trees by hand at night (be aware of snakes though) and some folks also trapped them too. Traps were open top mesh boxes with a "landing" up two sides and a board over the top side connecting the "landings". When the turtle was done "sunning" he dove off the board unkowingly dove into the mesh box.

At least this was how it was done back then.
Very good info there Miner!</p>

You gonna be available in the afternoon on like Wed or Thursday of next week for some skip jack action?</p>