trim and prop setup

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Well-known member
Mar 17, 2010
Dayton Tn.
my son has a 1977 85hp johnson that he just replaced trim motor on. pump motor and reservoir are on outside. what is the best way to bleed this. Also motor is only running 4400 rpm before wanting to porpoise, he also just added 6 inch jack plate. right now it still has 13 x 19 aluminum prop. this is on a 16 ft bumble bee that weighs 675 lbs dry no motor.he was thinkin about adding a 13x17 stainless, any help would be appreciated. THANKS
I had the same problem, I tried to bleed it manually with no luck. It finally worked it self out after about a month of jerking every time you lowered it. I was told they are self bleeding but it took forever.
I just wish it would hold up.... it doesn't jerk or anything... just flat out leaks down... doesnt leak any fluid no where but trim it up and it will be back on ground shortly after. Im beginning to wonder if my rams themselves might be bad too
cant really help you. but i can give you a persons name that works on motors. his name is wade kilgore lives in soddy he works on them on the side if he has time. tell him nick told you about him. his number is in the phone book i believe.