Trim motor

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Apr 13, 2008
Hey guys I am a rookie when it comes to boat repair but I would like know if you can get a rebuild kit or even if its worth trying to rebuild the motor that operates the power trim for my 170 merc. I can peck on the motor with a hammer and get it to work but it sound miserable. I only ask because I really dont have the money to take to a shop to get worked on right now and I am going crazy having the boat in the driveway and cant put it on the water.???? Thanks By the way I bought the boat thinking the solenoid for the trim was bad.....its not.
Try Ray's auto elactric in Tiftonia, ask for Dale.423 825 5544- 423 322 9880. He does good work cheap and stands behind it-good luck.
Get a chair sit down at the trim motor and be patient. I had that problem, i took the top of the motor off being real careful not to lose anything that might fall out and not break the wiring to the brushes. I took out the armature and with some fine sand paper cleaned it good where the brushes make contact and i cleaned the brushes also.I took my time making sure everything went back just right and was sure to tighten the bolts real tight but not strip the threads. When i was done i hit the trim switch and it works better than ever, it took about 2 hours and saved me a bunch of money. I was hesitant about taking it apart but now i'm glad i did. The hardest part is getting the armature back in position so the brushes are in the right place,they are spring loaded so you have to hold them back while you slide the armature in. PATIENCE IS THE DEAL.......

Hope this helps you out!
fischnrod - 7/13/2009 6:37 PM Get a chair sit down at the trim motor and be patient. I had that problem, i took the top of the motor off being real careful not to lose anything that might fall out and not break the wiring to the brushes. I took out the armature and with some fine sand paper cleaned it good where the brushes make contact and i cleaned the brushes also.I took my time making sure everything went back just right and was sure to tighten the bolts real tight but not strip the threads. When i was done i hit the trim switch and it works better than ever, it took about 2 hours and saved me a bunch of money. I was hesitant about taking it apart but now i'm glad i did. The hardest part is getting the armature back in position so the brushes are in the right place,they are spring loaded so you have to hold them back while you slide the armature in. PATIENCE IS THE DEAL....... Hope this helps you out!

I did the same thing. I just knew I was going to lose a screw or somthing. And i'm glad my mother wasn't around when i put the armature back in. But it's not that bad if your realy carefull. I have a used one i could let go of prety cheap if you want to go that route. but Erik is a good guy & would take care of ya with a brand new one & he could help ya get it on too I bet. The main thing is don't do without your boat over somthing small. Heck most of these guys on here know what it's like to do without your boat & would help any way they could.</p>

A MAN NEED'S TO FLOAT!emoFish emoAngler emoFish </p>
This is a sterndrive and not a outboard right??????? If that is the case the trim motors these guy have are not the right one. There was on on craigslist here recently that should be the one you have if it is a mid 80's boat.
No this is a 170 outboard sportsman marine had to call the replacement for it is a pt- 472 but its alot different than what I have. Any help is greatly appreciated guys.
That is a new one on me. I deal with outboards day in and day out and have never heard of a 170HP. Not to say it doesn't exist. I have none listed in any of my books or online with mercury. I have the 170 mercruiser which are refered to as inboard/outboard engines. Can you take a picture of the engine and the trim motor you have and post it or email it to me at [email protected]. Got me curious now! LOL!!!!
There are 2 differnt trim systems. On the fluid resovoir is side fill with 2 different motors and the a aft fill system. Post or send some pics and we will help you figure it out.
Thanks for the help everyone and sorry I didnt get on yesterday to answer. I found one at sportsman marine on bonny oaks. He called me about 5 pm wed nite and had found the right one. Now I have to find time to go get it. I also met a great guy in sale creek that rebuilds electric motors that went above and beyond in helping me so I thought I would put his name out there maybe get him some more business. Larry Austin @ sauto unit rebuilders PM for his # as he might not want it advertised online. Hope to be on the water by next week atleast.
ok guys do any of you have an arco 6279 trim motor just laynig in the back of your garage anywhere??? This unit replaces what I have which is a #811628 merc ## even one that needs rebuilt would help at this point. I really want to go fishing this weekend emoBang
OK guys I got my trim working now if it will stop raining long enough for me to take a few test runs maybe I will be fishing by the weekend. Thanks for the help. I hope to meet some of you guys out on the water! emoThumbsup

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