TT/DK update 2:00 3-7

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May 5, 2006
10:20 AM</p>

TT & DK started fishing at about 9:30 AM.  As of 10:20, they have boated 9 keepers, 4 shorts.  The new rod has proven it's mettle.  TT has 3 of the keepers so far, but expects to gain on the DK as she perfects her technique.  While down on numbers so far, she does have one of the larger crappie to her credit!</p>

More updates to follow, film at 11!</p>


11:30 AM</p>

13 keepers in the boat, also some of many different species.  DK caught a 17" bass.  TT has largest crappie so far. Wind has picked up, fishing has slowed down, but DK expects it to pick back up around noon.  TT is having a BLAST!! </p>


2:00 PM</p>

Still waiting for the afternoon bite.  Added a couple of good sized yellow bass to the livewell.  Both are determined to limit out!! </p>
RE: TT/DK update 10:20 AM 3-7

These updates are great!! I am glad TT is breaking that new rod in!! emoThumbsup
RE: TT/DK update 11:30 3-7

What??? No webcam on the boat with streaming video? What's the world coming too! emoLaugh
RE: TT/DK update 11:30 3-7

rsimms - 3/7/2007 1:14 PM What??? No webcam on the boat with streaming video? What's the world coming too! emoLaugh

Hey, a good laptop could pull that off!!</p>
Well ... emoDance emoDance emoDance

I had an absolute blast. THANK YOU DRUMKING emoWorthy you are certainly a man who knows his fish and his technique. He outfished me today about 5 to 1 and I think he caught EVERY species of fish in the lake with the exception of a drum and a cat. We saw a drum swimming about 4 inches under water once .. so maybe that should count!!!

I missed many .. but my arm is in GREAT shape. SHOOTING THE DOCKS .. HOLY COW what a blast. I LOVE IT! Beat the heck out of my fishing techniques from the past for sure.

Right now I have a big bucket full of some of the LARGEST crappie I have ever seen! Only a FEW were minimum limit. I wanted to post a quickie and right now my dogs are having a fit over the flopping fish in my white bucket. Off to clean .. then devour some crappie. I promise to write more of my spectacular adventure with pics later.

BOY DID I HAVE FUN. AND ... I didn't have to p .. not once all day long. emoLaugh

OH .. my pole .. she's a keeper!

It was a great day for me TT. I just wish that you had caught the majority of the fish. Your day will come. You learned the shooting technique faster than Rsimms did. I'm sorry that I won't be able to post the huge skipjack that you caught. I wasn't as careful with the camera as I thought that I was. I will email the pic to you if you want it. emoBigsmile emoGeezer

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