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<font color="#ff0033">crap, I thought she was the one with ANTLERS....LOL</font></p>

<font color="#ff0033">just kidding TT.  The windows are spec  TAC  U LAR....Like we say up here in S-D.....girl you done goooood.....FA</font></p>
Those windows look amazing TT.  Congratulations on a job well done. 
Awe thanks Richard! I had hubby tape it so I could see it when I got home today but the cable was out so we missed it. You saved the day ...

The windows look GREAT and if you have family, especially kids, it's a must for the go see list!!! Look for the skunk .. I'm the one who hung the decoration off his tail!!! And put the holly necklace on the dog, wrapped and bowed over 50% of the gifts, hung part of the cellophane in the slumber room, put up the fabric and lights in the outdoor scene, ...

Let's just say the list is too long to put on here. :)

I'm going to go see the windows as a visitor myself with the girls, Rosie and Katie.

Maybe I'll see you there!

Way to go, TT. Lots of enthusiam on windows. As much as the crappie that you caught earlier this year. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
TT did you tell all the people in tv land that you learned to dress windows at the CFF?
That is the TT that I know, always doing things to make others' lives brighter.
WTG KarenemoThanks
TT... here's a little "background" info on downtown window lights that you may... or may not know. When I was a child a long, long time ago (in the 60's), my father was the Advertising Manager for the old Miller Bros. Dept. Store (not the modern-day Millers, old locally-owned Miller Bros.) Lots of downtown stores basically had a "battle of the Christmas windows." Of course this was in the days before "malls" and downtown was THE place to be, and the only place to shop. I spent many nights downtown with my Dad helping set up Miller Bros. windows. They hung sheets or paper up to block the view while the windows were under construction. It was a really huge deal when all the downtown stores "unveiled" their windows. Of course when "malls" came along and downtown died, the Christmas windows tradition died with it. I am so pleased that somebody with EPB "remembered" and you and others brought some of my best childhood memories back to life. Thank you!

Some more old downtown trivia... does anybody here remember "the tunnel" that ran beneath Market St. between Miller Bros. and "what store?" It has been walled off now.
What's interesting is when I worked downtown in the old EPB building I actually walked in that "tunnel". There was a restaurant under the street and it still is there today with a sign on the wall that says "pie 25 cents". It's pretty creepy down there but I have walked it nonetheless as my thrill for the unknown far out weighs my creepiness issues. :)

Dirt floors in some of the tunnel too .. of course I didn't get very far as it was blocked off but .. was very neat.

2jigs - 11/27/2007 7:41 PM
Hey Rsimms more trivia for ya. Where did they get the dirt to raise the City? 

Hmmm? The dirt to build Hwy. 27 came by cutting the top off of Cameron Hill. But dirt to raise the city???? Seems like I've heard... but for right now, you've got me.
BW said archeologists have been trying to figure it out for years & years. She's an anthropology major & that they don't think they had the technology to dredge the river that much at least.
Great job TT.
As Richard said so well, I can remember the downtown decorations and especially Miller Bros and EPB as my parents would take us down there every Christmas just to see the window displays. Those memories are what makes this season even better. I didn't know about the tunnel but sounds really interesting.
Thanks for bringing them back.
 I am so pleased that somebody with EPB "remembered" and you and others brought some of my best childhood memories back to life. Thank you! Some more old downtown trivia... does anybody here remember "the tunnel" that ran beneath Market St. between Miller Bros. and "what store?" It has been walled off now.[/QUOTE] </p>

<font color="#ff0033">I do remember the old days......"the tunnel" was from Miller Bro under BROAD STREET not Market and it hooked up to Miller's Home Furnishing I remember in the tunnel Millers had a place to eat and discount area...  before Millers add the home furnishing place I cannot remember what was there.....  Do I win a prize?????</font></p>

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