TT's Crappie adventure Wed. 3-7-07

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Mar 8, 2006
Talk about pressure! I know how Rsimms feels when the bite is off, especially when you are taking someone who really loves to fish as well as TT does. I didn't take her to my "secret" hole, but one good enough for her to catch several slabs, one of the largest Tennessee Tarpons (skipjack) that I have ever seen, some yellow bass, and bluegills. She might have even caught the largest Crappie, but it was very close as we had some toads. I won't be able to post all the pics, because as careful as I was to watch the background, there are a couple that I won't post.

Our total for the day as accurately as I can remember with my aged brain is as follows: 16 keeper Crappies, 6-10 throwbacks, 4 or 5 bluegills, 4 yellow bass, 5 skipjacks, 1 17" largemouth, and 1 spaaat. Did I forget anything? She thought that we were going for the multispecies record for the day. I did too for a while there. Panfish assassins and Crappie stingers were the poison for the fish today.

Let me get off here and downsize my pics so that I can post them later. Thanks Karen for a great day. Wanda said thank you for the bracelet. emoGeezer


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<font color="#6600ff" size="5">WAY TO GO GANG<font size="3">.... I am proud that you put her in the fishes... I knew you could do it....  BTW, nice size fish and good pictures....</font></font>
Wow! Calm water... what's it like to fish without a 30 mph wind?
Glad TT had a good day, in spite of her fishing partner. emoBigsmile She deserves it!
ha ... 7:15 PM and I JUST got done cleaning ALL those fish. Thanks Drumking once again. I do know ... I need a few things before my next fishing trip with that guy.

1) I need a sharp filet knife! Although I did good cleaning all those fish they aren't nearly as pretty as the ones Flip provided for me last year as far as filets go. But I was very careful not to waste anything nonetheless. Which might explain why it took me 2 hours to clean 19 fish!

That's 16 crappie and 2 yellow bass and 1 spot. :)

2) I need to practice my "set the hook" movement. I figure it like this. For you folks who fish all the time the "tick" on the line is an automatic mere second senario from the tick through the brain to the hand. For me .. I felt a tick .. my brain went .. "What's that?" and by the time it realized it was a bite and started my arm in motion for the set ... it was too late. :-( I must have lost as many sets as Drumking caught in fish!!! But inspite of my pitiful efforts I still managed to come home with fish that I caught .. just not all the fish brought home were caught by me.

3) Have to get some of those thinga ma gigs he uses for bait. And then some paint .. so make them more colorful! I T Ruely enjoyed learning to shoot docks. Why are more of you not doing that??? It's almost as fun as catching a fish. And believe it or not .. I was pretty good at it. I had one RSimms shot, you'll have to ask DK about that emoLaugh and I had a couple TT shots that caused a bit of tangled webs .. but over all I was proud that I could at least do some shots that were perfecto! Heck I even got several to skip 2 or 3 times under stuff. It was VERY neat.

It was a great day. I had a blast and DK is very entertaining! No dull moments. His boat is a comfort fish .. and the ride really nice.

Thanks Dickey! My trip was more fun than I had even imagined.

Glad the wife liked the bracelet!

Wow, those are some beautiful black crappies! I'm glad to know that we didn't catch all the fish in the area yesterday. Those will make some great eating! I got the feeling that we left some behind. Rsimms, I think that you were incorrect about the wind. In fact, DK said that the wind was almost exactly opposite of what it was yesterday and so the drifts at some of the areas were hard to recreate. Weren't those interesting areas TT? I'm glad that DK and you had such a great time.
I have been waiting on this report!!!emoThumbsup emoThumbsup emoThumbsup

Made my day!!!emoBigsmile emoBigsmile emoBigsmile

Good Trip!!!emoWorthy
rsimms - 3/7/2007 6:04 PM

Wow! Calm water... what's it like to fish without a 30 mph wind?
Glad TT had a good day, in spite of her fishing partner. emoBigsmile She deserves it!

Hey, Richard. Most of these pics were made before the wind got up. We also caught most of the fish before the wind got up. We caught a lot of fish if you count all the fish that we weren't trying for. We also caught 1 white bass. I forgot it in the original post. Another fish was a golden shiner too. Man, I must be getting older! I've got CRS! Can't Remember Stuff. emoUpsmile And you thought that I was going to use that other "S" word. emoBigsmile emoGeezer
I was thinking that I believe that I caught more fish yesterday that I ever have caught in a single day before in my 48 years! :) Sure made it hard to drive into work today knowing I could probably have a repeat of yesterday again today! :)

DK .. if you don't mind I'd like to send my dad pictures from your camera yesterday for him to see. He and my mom are down in Texas until April but he is an avid fishing person and would get a kick of out them. AND .. it might even force him to come visit me in Tennessee!

Fun trip ... FUN. I'm sure I'll be reflecting upon it for several days to come.

Sounds like like you two had a great time!! The smiles on both of ya'lls faces tell the story!! TT, I bet that new rod feels even beter now that it's got some fish oil on it!! Good job!! emoThumbsup
TennesseeTalker - 3/8/2007 10:05 AM

Just Kidding INDEED! My fishing trip with you will probably be almost as valuable! But you can check with Drumking .. I'm a quick learner. :)


Yea, When, she is a quick learner that's for sure. Just the opposite of me. I'm a slow learner and fast forgetter. LOLemoUpsmile emoGeezer
Those are some nice fish. Thanks -for all you do for us. Very nice pictures also.

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