Tuesday night dog fight out of HBSP tonight!!!

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Feb 5, 2023
Just a reminder that the Tuesday night dog fight will be held tonight as usual. Hope to draw a good crowd. So far the best showing has been 18 boats so we have only had winner take all. One thing good about it is I do not believe the same person has won two or more. Each time it has been someone different. Below is how it works.

The entry is $25 per boat. $5 of that is for big bass. You can fish by yourself or with a partner however the entry is still $25.
-100% payback per event.
-Myself and Twilson will also pay an entry, no free ride.
-No locking through. You have to stay on the Chick.
-20 boats or less will be "winner take all" with one big bass pot.
-21 to 29 boats will be two places with one big bass pot.
-30 boats or more will be three places with two big bass pots.(only one bass counts towards big bass per boat)
-Once we hit 20 or more boats the first place will be a minimum of $350.00 payout or more. I will have a chart that shows the payouts per number of boats in the tournaments for those interested.
-These will all be 3 fish tournaments. Keep them alive please.
-Times will be from 6:30 to 9:30. Blast off out in front of HBSP between points out to the bouys.
-You will be allowed one dead fish without penalty at weigh in. 1 pound penalty for two dead. You will be DQ'd if all are dead so do not weigh them in. On the one dead allowed, Over the years I have seen many times where a foul hooked bass was pitched because of the penalty after it died. I would rather you weighed in a dead one then throw a dead one back in exchange for a live one. Any dead we will try and collect for someone to take home. If this becomes a problem this may change due to the number of dead ones brought to weigh in. Last year you could not weigh in a dead one at all and I know there were several thrown back.
-If you are late you are DQ'd, no refunds.
-Size will be the normal, SM 18 inches, LM 15 inches, and spots 12 inches. We will measure the smallest if there is a doubt. Please check it first, it just slows down the weigh in. Mouth closed and touch the line any way you can.

emoAngel Jmax
nickajack-smack - 5/17/2011 9:17 AM

Good grief how many boats does it take to pay a 2nd place

We have discussed that several times, there are some that want to spread the money over three or four spots. Then there are some that wants to make winning it worth a pretty good amount. As is stands right now I have set it up so that first place once it hits 18 boats will be at least $350.00 for the winning team. emoScratch This is the first year I have done it this way so the jury is still out on the results. If I get some complaints I will go back to the old way that I did them in the past with percents paid out by 1 place per seven boats. I am going to do the Legends tournament that way on June 4th. I am always open to suggestions. Hank who ran this one last year had a pay out somewhat like this one. If you won you would be counting your money. If you came in second you got to fish for free and that was about it. emoRolleyes We really have to hit 21 boats for two places and 31 boats for three. Even at that the majority of the money still goes to first place. Jmax
graybullet - 5/17/2011 9:31 AM

What were the winning weights so far?

They have all been posted, you can go back and look at the results. ;) Jmax