turbo prop trade

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Well-known member
May 17, 2007
over here in hixson tn
i have a turbo14 3/4 x 24 on my 200 merc.it cavitates to much comming out of the hole.but hang on to your but she flys .19 ft bullet emoScratch not sure what size to use.any suggestions emoDance emoDance
Hey Breeze, I had some of the same problems and I bought an SE300 SE Sport Hydro Foil. My boat now does not raise the bow as high, it planes out in less than half the distance and my gas mileage increased a bunch. I made a lone run which would normally take 9 gal of gas and now that same run takes just a little more than 6 gal. My boat only holds 12 gal of gas and I always have it full for that run and when I get back to the ramp I would have 1/4 of tank (3 gal) and now I have almost half a tank(almost 6 gal). I wished I had put the thing on my 150 Merc. a long time ago. At Bass Pro Shop they're $59.99. Good luck; Bob
thanks for that info bob.my boat is a 19 ft bullet with a 200xr2.just got it and i think i am the reason it would cavatate.to much hammer comming out of the hole.ran the boat today with just me in it and with practice i think i will get it rite.cranks around 6k comming out so i back out and it will get on plane..thanks for your help gary

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