TWRA arrests 2 for illegal harvest

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Fly Rod Rob

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2008
Chattanooga, TN
Two men from Nashville were arrested for the illegal harvesting of paddlefish roe. Instead of checking with a syringe to see if row was present, they just slit the fish open from bow to stern. TWRA has confiscated their boat, nets equipment as evidence. The men may loose their commercial license.

Great job TWRA for nabbing these guys!

Here is the article:

I am glad they were caught, but I though there was only a 30 day season this <u>spring</u> for paddlefish?
SpurHunter - 1/29/2008 9:30 AM

I am glad they were caught, but I though there was only a 30 day season this <u>spring</u> for paddlefish?

Yeah I am wondering the same thing Spur. They should have not even been catching fish at this time of the year, much less gutting them to see if they contained roe. $3000 is a lot of money and I'm sure that this arrest is just the tip of the iceberg.
I checked the reg book, and coulnt find anything allowing harvest this time of year on any body of water. What am I missing? I hope matt chimes-in to educate us.
From reading the TWRA regulations it states under Statewide Creel And Size Limits:

"Paddlefish may be harvested from April 24 through May 31. Daily creel limit is 2 fish per day with no size limit. Culling, the releasing of harvested fish, is not allowed."

These two individuals were near Neely’s Bend Boat Ramp which I believe is on Cheatham (I think). If so, the regulations for Cheatham are:

"Paddlefish – 2 per day, season is open from April 24 through May 31. Culling, the releasing of harvested fish, is prohibited." Same regulations, just worded differently under the specific lake.

I am not sure if the commercial fishing seasons differ or if there are different regulations for commercial fishing, but if the officers from TWRA didn't appreciate the actions of these individuals, then I guess they were operating outside the regulations.

There are people in this world that only think of themselves and not their childrens future and their grandchildrens future it makes me want to vomit when I read about people who destroy OUR WILDLIFE for their own cause. I hope they get jail time to think about what they did! sorry had to get on the ol soap box CANT STAND POACHERS LITTERBUGS AND THEIVES!!!!!!!!!
I'll second that motion Redwing.emoVomit I think everyone on here I have fished with have brought up the literring topic each time we fish. It's amazing how others treat these waters... Starts somewhere. Share this post with your kids.