TWRA Goose Roundup (Pics & Video)

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We have alot of geese around here. Look at the docks, ramps, glof courses and private yards. I believe the population grows every year more than hunters take in there bag limits. TWRA should have extended seasons. emoEnforce emoEnforce
It's 10 times worse in the midwest. Many golf courses in upscale areas have hired handlers with dogs that keep them off the course. Nothing like trying to get fresh Goose crap out of your putting line....
drdetroit - 6/25/2008 3:51 PM

We have alot of geese around here. Look at the docks, ramps, glof courses and private yards. I believe the population grows every year more than hunters take in there bag limits. TWRA should have extended seasons. emoEnforce emoEnforce

Unfortunately it is not up to the TWRA solely. These nuisance geese are still considered Migrants and fall under the USFWS protection and laws. They have given more liberal seasons and time frames for these Local geese. But more is and will be needed in the future. I agree with Hoggerhead, if the USFWS and the TWRA want to impact the overall population of these flocks then a March season is needed, how hunter success rates would be would be a guess and somewhat determined by the weather as some of these geese have already began nesting this time of year. One issue that needs to be considered for the Local goose season and population control is the wanton waste laws for these birds. You put 5 of these big birds on the ground for a week in a row what do you do with them? I like to eat geese, but I and my family do have our limits. If you are caught disposing of these birds illegally not only do you face state fines but federal fines as well. I would hate to see a resource that has been a succes story of reintroduction, though that may be in question, become a issue of nuisance geese being trapped and or destroyed.