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Oct 25, 2005
Jasper Tenn.
I bought gas for my truck and lawn mower today and WOW.emoBadLanguage It cost me $83.00 emoBadLanguage who one else beside's me hates going to the gas station.
they have no reason to cut prices,cause we as a country will not give up anything.in the early 70's the feds dropped the speed limit to 55,we cut down on things we didn't have to do, we also bought smaller cars. until we as a country stand together and say enough is enough, the price of gas will never come down.gripping about it , raising cane or jumping up and down don't work I've allready tried it
Yaw think that gas price is bad what about the guys that drive desiel trucks....:eek: Did'nt desiel use to be cheeper then gas?????......WELL U SHOULD REALLY THINK ABOUT THE TRUCK DRIVERS..... The ones that fuel up every other day coasting between $800.00 to $900.00 like me....Just to make sure yaw guys get yaws fishing lures, boat oil, the gas u buy to put in ur boat....o yea did i forget the food that u bring home to feed ur familey.... WE ALL ARE HAVING HARD TIMES, BUT THINK BE GLAD FOR WHAT U HAVE AND WHAT GOD HAS GIVIEN YOU.... emoUSA
Think of how much worse it would be if the big trucks burned gasoline instead of diesel, given that diesels are usually between 20 and 40 percent more efficient than similarly sized gasoline engines.

That having been said, I'm a big fan of reducing speed limits, and enforcing them. Increase state revenues and decrease fuel consumption. I'm amazed at the aggression and speed I see on the highways these days. I blame it on three things:

(1) Lax enforcement of existing speed limits
(2) The prevalence of Starbucks and other caffeine peddling outlets
(3) Dramatic increases in average automobile horsepower (increased power to weight)

I don't care for government intervention, but I do think another useful measure would be reduced horsepower by defining power-to-mass ratio limits on all vehicles. It's unreasonable, frankly, to crank 200 or even 300 ponies out of cars that weigh less than 3500 lbs. It still gets you there, and won't burn as much fuel. You don't need a stock car to commute to work. It might discourage some of the most aggressive driving, just because the drivers couldn't escape some of the stupid situations they put themselves in.

Thats my $.02, times 3...so that's $.06.

I do agree with u, all tough u see around chattanooga they dropped the speed limit down for cars and trucks. They say its for the enviroment but if ur not familyer with a truck (18 wheeler) when its speed drops to 55 to 62 mph it goes in to a lower gear which rasies the RPM up which burn more desiel and make more polution. Thats why im glad i dont TX fish i feel bad for yaw that have to race to get to the hot spot and use maybe 20 dollers in gas.....but hey we all like to fish emoPoke I hope gas goes up to $10.00 a gallonemoBang , so maybe this country will open its eyes up......im just a none educated 28yr old truck driver ( still wet behind the ears) emoCrazy
emoLaugh hey we all need coffee nothing better then a hot cup off coffee on a cold morning on the lake, or to get ur day started befor a 800 mile drive to get back home to go fishing emoCrazy but yes do band the 6.00 cup of caffene (i call licked cocain lol)emoEek
tailgate1979 - 4/18/2008 11:19 PM I...snip.. Thats why im glad i dont TX fish i feel bad for yaw that have to race to get to the hot spot and use maybe 20 dollers in gas........

Actually, mine gets better mileage when I have it floored. Running high 60s and mid 70s is better for me. Maybe less boat in the water ?
Never did think about that bbass it would make since that there is less drag with the boat more out of the water...emoScratch Thats kinda would be the same for my truck less weight i have in the box better fuel mileage my truck gets emoHoppingmad good luck fishing on saterday everyone all be fishing for produce in cali todayemoBang
IF we could only get the American public to stand together we could solve a lot of these problems. I don't see how a minimum wage earner can afford to drive to work now with
the gas prices at $3.40 and what are they going to do when it's $4.00+!
If every American would just leave the car/truck in the garage at home for only 1 DAY you would see a BIG change in this gas process. But the socker mom's have got to go, they just can't stay at home.
I fully supported the Truckers last week but I noticed that the news media didn't give them coverage. Maybe there's a conspiricy there? Oh no, surely not. The news media would have any oil stock would they? Well maybe!
I know it's a soapbox and I'll quit but we must do something or we'll all be working for gas just to go to work......................
........................... my 2 cents worth!..............Hal
well here I go again.from what I saw on t.v and read in the paper,there was a good bit of coverage on the truck strike,however you look at it ,it was a none strike. the oil companys were laughing there a$$ off while the truck drivers talked a good game,( but only talked) this would be my fourth or fifth truck strike, and NONE ZERO NOTA single one have worked. I have been a truck driver for 34+ years and I now drive for a company that pays by the hour and I didn't even call in this time
There are some things that you as an individual can do about the amount of money you spend on gas. For example, I have a Chevy Avalanche with a big gas tank. I parked it and now only use it to tow my boat. I bought a Toyota Prius Hybrid and have been averaging 53 miles per gallon (mpg of Prius depends on the way you drive it). I bought a smaller boat with a 25 HP hand tiller and I can fish for days on 6 gallons of gas. Some companies and individuals have also been looking at developing Hybrid Bass Boat motors. One article I read was about a guy that was going to find a wrecked Toyota Prius and rig up a Hybrid outboard motor for his boat using the Prius motor and components.
The etanol solution is crap. It take a gallon of gas to make a gallon of ethanol. With the redirection (misdirection) of corn and other grains into developing ethanol, the price of food is shooting sky high.
Within 5 years, every vehicle that Toyota makes will be a Hybrid (yes, even trucks). With the introduction of the lithium ion battery in a couple years, the
Prius will able to get an estimated 80 to 100 MPG. Also it will have a plug-in feature that will allow you to travel about 38 miles off the plug-in charge, which takes about 9 minutes to charge.
Also I read about oil deposits which have been found in North and South Dakota. These deposits are larger that Saudi Arabia's and would allow the US to
increase it's oil production by up to 10 fold.
So the energy news is not all gloomy.
Well just to let eveyone know that u cant get 5 truck drivers to agree on one thing lol...just like 5 fisherman u can't get them to agree on nothing lol.....I just payed $4.35 a gallon today in californa emoBadLanguage ... GLAD I LIVE IN GOOD OLD ROCKY TOPemoUSA
Well just to keep the record straight I don't want a Prius, I want something made in America.
I want every American who wants a job to have one so I drive a Trailblazer. I don't think a
Prius will pull a boat and how much does it cost to get it worked on when it breaks. And even if the dealer tells you they never give trouble, well we won't go there.
Yes we do have to change our life style but we need to stand up and be American, not politically correct but American and if it offends someone, well, ts...
And you can quote me on that!.........emoUSA
Yea, I'm a little redneck. I'm just tired of having to bow to everyone who isn't American.
Say what you mean and mean what you say. emoThumbsup
A prius is a Toyota so it probably won't tear up. Most Toyotas are made in America as well. Same with Honda, Nissan, etc.. As a matter of fact the weak dollar is causing some Asian production to shift back to America.

All we can do is change our driving habits. Government interaction will only add to what we pay. We bought a little two seat, 4 cylinder car that gets 32 mpg to do all our routine driving. We have a $30/week limit on gas for my Tundra and my wife's minivan. The little car has taken over about 300 miles per week of our driving.
Bbass, your boat doesn't get its best fuel economy at wot. Throttle it back about 500 rpms and it will do much better. In my boat once I get out in front I throttle back from 85 to mid 70's and get a shade over 5 mpg. At wot your boat is getting 3 mpg.

adamwstewart - 4/18/2008 10:32 PM

Think of how much worse it would be if the big trucks burned gasoline instead of diesel, given that diesels are usually between 20 and 40 percent more efficient than similarly sized gasoline engines.

That having been said, I'm a big fan of reducing speed limits, and enforcing them. Increase state revenues and decrease fuel consumption. I'm amazed at the aggression and speed I see on the highways these days. I blame it on three things:

(1) Lax enforcement of existing speed limits
(2) The prevalence of Starbucks and other caffeine peddling outlets
(3) Dramatic increases in average automobile horsepower (increased power to weight)

I don't care for government intervention, but I do think another useful measure would be reduced horsepower by defining power-to-mass ratio limits on all vehicles. It's unreasonable, frankly, to crank 200 or even 300 ponies out of cars that weigh less than 3500 lbs. It still gets you there, and won't burn as much fuel. You don't need a stock car to commute to work. It might discourage some of the most aggressive driving, just because the drivers couldn't escape some of the stupid situations they put themselves in.

Thats my $.02, times 3...so that's $.06.


So wait.. you want government regulation over what is "reasonable" when it comes to horsepower in a car? Interesting.. very interesting.

Guess they should also decide that people shouldn't be allowed to say certain things, think certain things, or own certain things, because they're not "reasonable."
Yes I thought Adam's comments were extremely absurd myself but I was keeping quiet for some reason. You never want the government involved. Government involvement = Tax!!!
