Uno De Mayo Hombre de la rata TX (Ratman)

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
<font size="3">Translation:

MAY 1st Ratman Tournament</font>

<font size="4">You are cordially invited to catch a few Pescados and try to win some Pesos.

<font size="3">Or perhaps you like German:

Turnier 1. Mai-Ratman</font>

<font size="3">Maybe a little Pourtugese:

Competiam de maio ø Ratman
<font size="5">In any language, Ratman's Amateur Bass Tournament rocks!</font></p>


<font size="6">Sign up here</font>
I think Jason got permissions from his better half and Jason will be there. emoBigsmile Jmax
The boats so far, which based on prior weeks mean we will have 20+. emoLaugh
  1. popeyedpete and Ratman,
  2. jason and Jmax
  3. basser#9 and  joldfort
  4. fishhog and TBA
  5. XLDVee and John Hart
  6. fordtruck and TBA
  7. xrfoxracer and Basscat
Antman told me today that he would be there. He is tied up in a job and I don't think has been on here lately. emoAngel Jmax
THe blind squirrel cannot be there. I wish, but I have not got to fish any, and give my cash away is no way to start. Hopefully the next one.
1. popeyedpete and Ratman,
2. jason and Jmax
3. basser#9 and joldfort
4. fishhog and TBA
5. XLDVee and John Hart
6. fordtruck and TBA
7. xrfoxracer and Basscat
8. tndoe270 and TBA
9. Shadmaster and TBA
10. Jeff5074
11. Micheal McNabb and TBA
12. fishinvol and TBA