Ryan, my son is improving. He has gone through four surgeries now and I hope that is it. He had his knee laid open and the knee cap was severed. They reattached the knee cap and took some of the smaller bone out. Then cleaned it out and closed up the wound. His elbow was seperated from his arm and broken off, they cut it open, and used plates and screws to reattach the elbow to the arm bone. His neck was broken but god's hand was there to keep him from being paralyzed. The spinal cord was not damaged(thank you Lord, emoAngel ) so he is able to have full feelings thoughout his body. They had to go in and do surgery on his hip to remove bone to use to fuse to his neck. They then cut his neck open and realigned the bones back like they should be and used the bone off his hip to strengthen that and keep it in place. Then used rods and srews to go over that. I feel the Lord's hands were there guiding those surgeons and they are hopeful that all will take and will be well. He has been given his own room at Erlanger, #6159. Fat Albert came by with food and laughter last night and gave me and the wife all of your best wishes. emoGrouphug Thank you so much, for those of you who have never been through anything like this it is a big help. Ryan was talking and very awake today and he was wanting his phone so he could call his friends. (emoSmile Good sign.) He is in a ton of pain and will be for some time. Please keep the prayers coming and bless you all. emoAngel Jmax