* UPDATE!! Ratman TX IS NOT moving to Harrison Bay 6/12

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Jun 5, 2008
Charleston TN
<font size="3">Just received word it is ok to move the Ratman tournaments to Harrison Bay State Park. I want to thank dlmille for his effort in getting this approved. </font></p>

<font size="3">The June 5th Ratman Tournament has been canceled so every one can be free fish the CFF Night Tournament. (Please tell your friends that might not see this announcement)


<font size="3"><u>Effective June 12th all Ratman Tournaments will held at Harrison Bay State Park. I will provide more details as they become available.</u>

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<font size="4">This was a premature announcement. When I called back to work out the details the Park Manager Don Campbell said NO. He said to leave it at Wolftever. Apparently they had second thoughts. </font>

The reason he stated was he had a 200 slip marina, a restaurant, and walking trail to worry about. All I had to worry about was fisherman.
Re: Ratman TX moving to Harrison Bay 6/12

That stinks! What about CFP? I just know it is a hassle for 40+ boats to go out of WT....
Re: Ratman TX moving to Harrison Bay 6/12

I am not moving to Chester Frost. I live on this side of the river in Charleston and would have to drive around to haul the equipment. It would also make it impossible for me to get there early enough to have sign ups.

We will finish out this year at Wolftever then Kenny and I will decide if we want to hold them next year.
RE: Ratman TX moving to Harrison Bay 6/12


popeyedpete - 6/1/2009 10:07 AM <font size="4">This was a premature announcement. When I called back to work out the details the Park Manager Don Campbell said NO. He said to leave it at Wolftever. Apparently they had second thoughts. </font>The reason he stated was he had a 200 slip marina, a restaurant, and walking trail to worry about. All I had to worry about was fisherman.


I gotta throw my 2 cents in here. Harrison has always been kind and allowed us to have events there. Well..they should, our taxes pay for the place not to mention the cash we all generate for them at the restaurant and gas pumps. </p>

A year or so ago, we were asked to move all weighins to the picnic area or parking lot due to US, Bass fisherman, holding up the ramps. Ha! If they looked closer, it was never our trucls and trailers holding that ramp up.</p>

Now Im all for helping our area parks and supporting them but the way you were talked to today and treated is total Bull! Atleast you had the curtisy to ask to have something somewhere we you really dont have to ask! Some people man!</p>
Move it to the dam. Wolftever sucks! I agree with you Billy. I say you finish out this year at Wolftever, then if you have one next year make at the dam, it's right in the middle for people on either side of the river. I know alot of guys dont like launching from way down there, but that extra couple minutes doesnt hurt that bad. JMO.
Guys when I launched there Sunday evening there was no places left to park at HBSP. emoBang I know the wolf is busy but I feel HBSP is just as busy if not busier. There is really not a good place on this side this time of year. I was worried about having it at HBSP and thought we were setting ourselves up for even more issues. With the restraruant, the slips, all the play boats, campers, and trail people I really do believe leaving it where it is will be for the best. I agree with them on that. Those guys have always been very good to me and my wife. I would not jump down on them too quickly. emoAngel I know they try hard. It will work out. Keep in mind some guys already come from HBSP and Chester Frost to fish it. emoScratch Just launch where you want to and go for a boat ride. emoThumbsup Jmax
like ive said already once before..chick dam ramp is only 12 or so miles from the wolf..good parking its well lit and THE BEST ramp in town..also ive never seen it crowded on a friday evening!
Yeah, I didn't think a taxpaying local citizen should have to ask permission to use a public facility for a damn thing. But hey, who cares. Don't fight em, ignore em. Thats what I plan to do as often as I can. Anyways... As long as it goes out of this side of the lake and I don't have to drive to Timbucktu, I'm good with whatever.
I don't mind driving to WT, but I also agree that the dam is much roomier and often less crowded. It is closer for me also. Also, for all the guys who would want to fish towards WT ot HBSP, my boat runs 47mph and I ran from the dam to WT to sign up in 7 minutes.
Hook1 - 6/2/2009 1:41 PM

Also, for all the guys who would want to fish towards WT ot HBSP, my boat runs 47mph and I ran from the dam to WT to sign up in 7 minutes.

That is what I am talking about.. emoThumbsup ...as long as it is not past say grasshopper or it is not foggy, it is really not all that far by water. I hardly ever drive around to Chester, it is a lot better to just boat over. emoToast Jmax

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