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Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Fishinvol caught a keeper bass in a tournament in August. Now that is a story! You should have seen the tears. It was like one of those guys that fishes for 20 years and then wins a pro tournament. It was magical....
beetlespin - 12/31/2008 4:01 PM Fishinvol caught a keeper bass in a tournament in August. Now that is a story! You should have seen the tears. It was like one of those guys that fishes for 20 years and then wins a pro tournament. It was magical....

How about Lance actually listening to his fishing partner!!! Yes folks it's true, he didn't want the public to know but he actually took some advice from me and yes it paid off and caught fish!! Un-freaking-believable !!!! </p>
I thought the post where a guys buddy told him he was sitting out on the Chick Duck hunting, and a really nice blue and white bass boat came screaming down the lake and spun out really hard. "Don't know if the guys were hurt in it or not..." Then to have Lance pop up a day or two later and say that only a few ribs were hurting.... that was a pretty good news piece!!! :)