Walleye below chick dam..

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
hixson, TN
Has anyone tried for or been catching any Walleye lately?? ive caught 3 this year just by fluke luck but don't really know when or how to fish for them. ive heard its easier to catch them before day break but ive caught two in the middle of the day all on different lures. i also thought they were more of a cold water and northern fish. below the dam i fish from the bank. what are best methods and times to catch them? ive heard that they are Fantastic eating!
thanks in advance.. and Good Fishing to all!!
went last night with no success, tho it seemed they were pushing more than the normal amount of water down stream. thew hair jig, lippless crank and a few others for a couple of hours. still trying to figure out best times of season and times to catch walleye. i was thinking they are cold water fish but maybe wrong about that. also i assume i need a very slow retrieve when reeling and probably on bottom?? i have found that the bottom of the river down behind chatt state is a soft muddy bottom with few hang ups but closer to the dam is rocky. though any more help would be great!! thank you all!!
Walleye are native to the Tn. River, the world record was caught in Old Hickory. They thrive in cooler water, usually caught in tail waters around here but you can catch a stray almost anywhere in the system. About twenty years ago my father and I were bass fishing Island Creek on Guntersville lake and he caught one on a crank bait that weighed three pounds. We thought it was a big sauger but it didn't have the darker patterns on it and our neighbor saw it when we got home and told us what it was. When the fish and game folks in Ala. Tn. And other southern states started stocking walleye in southern waters, they used the northern strain. They discovered later that the southern strain gets much larger than the northern fish. So now that they have stocked the northern variety here, the world record may never be broken. Throw a bright colored hair jig with a live minnow on it, you might catch a walleye or a sauger or a small mouth or spot or who knows, just go fishing.
thanks for the info. will give it some more time!! the ones ive caught have been around that 3 lb mark prob close to 25 in. i have been throwing a white 3/4 once hair jig( i also i have green and white hair jigs) and also success with a large golden lipless crank bait hopefully it picks up again soon. also do they like eddies or slack water back in mouths of creeks or are they more prone to current?? again thank you!
I caught 4 last weekend, while bass fishing. This one pictued was one of the biggest so far.. Caught on a white spoon...


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I went below dam on the bank last night, around 6p and started throwing a lipless crank that has done me well in the past... nothing. then tied on a green and white 3/4 ounce hair jig and tied into a about a 22 inch walleye on second cast!! then i got excited and thought... what if catch 3 or 4???? well might have had one other hit but not sure if it was bottom or not. so just one fish in 2 hrs.. tho i do i have dinner tonight!! ALSO FOR THOSE THAT ARE CATCHING AND KEEPING WALLEYE make sure when you fillet that you also get the "scallop" just back from the eye. They say this is like the filet mignon of the fish!!!
I gave that one to a crappie fisherman, he offered me all his crappie for them. I had 2 but he said the other was to short, but found out it wasn't. minimum size on walleye are 17" and you can keep 5 per day.
TWRA began stocking Chickamauga Lake with walleye fingerlings annually in 2013. A walleye fingerling can grow to 16-inches in 2 years. We ( Deb ) caught a nice one at the "Nuke plant" a couple of years ago.

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