WANTED: Any Info on Dreamweaver Training

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2005
Because my old software was discountinued, I recently had to switch to Dreamweaver (CS3) for my web building/maintenance software.

I can handle the barebones basics... but there is a lot about it which baffles me. I need some formal training.

Does anyone know of any local training courses for Dreamweaver?

Of course I know about New Horizons, but unfortunately their current class schedule doesn't suit my schedule (plus they're really expensive!).

Any suggestions for any other possibilities from anyone?
If I am not mistaken Crappie Luck on Tndeer has Dream Weaver software they use in their TNgrafix website business. Of course I might be completely wrong and it is somehting else. However, I think his wife Diane mentioned Dream Weaver when they were doing some website work for me last year.
I just PMed Crappie Luck I will let you know what he said.

Update: Yes that it what they use. PM Crappie Luck and he can help you.