WANTED - Older Rods, Spinning & Casting

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2009
Cleveland, Tn
OK...... this is what I'm looking for.

It's NOT for me!!!!!!!

I am doing this for my best friend and his mother. They are very low income, and just recently lost their car. It was totaled in an accident.

They really enjoy crappie fishing, bass fishing and cat fishing. I had my best friend Mike, with me today when I met Jim (Jmax) and bough the reels and picked up Jim's spare reels also.

I've felt sorry for them each time we would go fishing together. They have broken rods and reels that are old and junk. I planned on fixing a few of the reels and giving them to my friends as a surprise. That was busted up as he was with me when I got them) lol.

But then they would need better rods to put them on.

Who out there has good quality - older rods that you would like to sell cheap? I'm not talking about buying top dollar items. Things like older Berkley Lightning rods, 5 1/2 - 6 1/2 ft spinning and baitcasters in decent shape and not needing repair either. Depending on the prices - I'll need about 4 or 5 total.

I'm also not asking for charity............ Just want to help my friends out.

Much appreciated folks - Thanks, emoThanks
I've got at least 3 for your friend - and the price is perfect. PM me and we'll get together here in Cleveland. emoThumbsup emoThumbsup Eric
Steve, let my talk to the guy's in the bass club & see what I can do. We meet the 2nd Tues. of every month so it will be untill then befor I know anything from them. I do have a few things i could help out a fellow fishermen down on his luck, out with. Let's see what we can find down stairs in the fishin emoFish emoAngler emoFish cave.
Steve, If you're coming to the Hixson area anytime soon let me know and I'll bring you a nice baitcaster rod I don't need and maybe a couple spools of line and a handfull of lures. Just PM me.</p>

Let us know how it turns out.</p>
<font color="#ff0033" size="3" face="comic sans ms,sand">Steve (shark) just left my house with a smile on his face......going to make his friends happy....FAemoGrouphug </font>
Al (FA) is very right. Thank you very much for the 2 rods. They will be very surprised with the gifts.

I really didn't expect this many responses. I am hoping to just get 2 or 3 more rods and will pay for them if you want. I have one rod and reel combo I'm also giving to them so they will have around six total, 3 each. That and the reels from Jim (Jmax) will do fine. I also have a new soft sided med sized tackle bag with plastic storage boxes for them.

As for lures and other items. They would be appreciated, but not necessary. I gave them a ton of hooks, lures etc and he managed to throw them away while cleaning thier car several months ago. lol

We're talking about new unopened hook packages of bass worm hooks, bream/crappie hooks, catfish hooks, small lures, spinnerbaits and such. Retail would be close to $130 for everything (wouldn't want that to happen again). emoDoh

He's a bit careless and that is one reason I'm asking for older items that if he breaks won't make a regular fisherman cry. emoBawl

I WILL..... make sure every item donated is labeled with a tag and it will have the name of the person that donated it. I do not want any credit for donations and will give it those who donated them.

Forgot to add that I will take pics when I present the rods and such to them. Then post them here on the forum.

Thank you very much and once again, I'll contact a couple of you that live close to me.
hey bud let me get moved in and send me a PM I can meet up with you I have several rods without reel just taking up space in the rod rack. Be glad to pitch those in.
I know this is late, but I want to thank EricM for his donations today. He donated rods and reels for my friends.

This has turned out to be way beyond my hopes. I will try to contact every one and let them know what is happening. I originally just wanted to get around 5 rods maybe 6. That way they each would have 3 to use.

I do have another friend. An older gentleman that lives in a old boat and is even lower income than my friends and also has broken rods he uses and he fishes about all week long.

All items will be distributed between the 3 of them.

Once again....... Thank you very much. emoThanks emoApplause
I am thrilled to have been able to help, and I am PROUD of the response you have gotten from the CFF!!! :emoticon:logo emoWorthy emoWorthy
I case any one missed it. I will be putting tags on everything with the donators name. I'm not taking credit for any item donated!!!!!

YES!!!!!!! I'm VERY, VERY PROUD of the folks here who have contacted me and all supporters.!!!!!!!

emoDance emoUSA

Thank you all.
Update!!! emoParty

Met with Hl&s / Wayne today and he donated to the cause. He is also another great member of the forum. He donated a very nice baitcasting rod, some line, lures, accessories and a soft sided Tackle bag from B.A.S.S.

Skeeter / Brannon : www.reelcorepair.com - is in possession of the reels. Brannon is donating spare parts he has, labor and ordered items he doesn't have. A small cost for me for the trouble of fitting the repairs into his busy schedule.

Thanks again to everyone who has responded with contacts and donations.

Once the reels are complete. I'll get everything together, match up the rods and reels. Add more tackle to the donation pile then separate the tackle between the two tackle bags. I'll then spring the surprise on my friends and put the pictures on here for everyone to see thier kindness by the looks on thier faces.

Thanks again emoSmile
Sounds like your project is coming along real well Steve. I hope it puts a smile on their face and they catch lots of fish with the equipment. Nice of you to do all the leg running and put this thing together.</p>

All my pleasure meeting you yesterday. We'll have to get together and catch a few pretty soon. You can tell me AF stories and I can tell you lies about how many I've caught and the big ones that got away ! emoBigsmile Better wear a rubber rainsuit and boots.emoEek </p>
Shark please contact me soon just unboxed stuff from when I moved into new house few months ago.. I got 2 ultra light rod and reels that need to go and another crappie rod and a few misc lures... wife is on me to clean up some space and i hate to throw this stuff away...
Another Update... hope you guys aren't getting tired of this. just want to let folks know when someone donates to the cause.

JDK / Josh dropped off 2 ultra light combos, 2 ultra light rods, several spinnerbaits and some soft plastic baits.

Thank you Josh..... It was nice meeting you. I enjoyed our short talk. Hope you caught a few keepers too.
RE: WANTED - Older Rods CLOSED!!!

Oh Lordy....... I'm BAAAAAAACK!!!! ;)

Met with 2jigs (Steve) today at the Harrison Bay dog fight and he donated a nice 2 pc Berkley Lighting rod.

Great news also from Skeeter. The reels are ready for me to pick up at Hamilton's.

Jbroach3 (Boone) will also be donating some spinning rods and maybe a reel or 2.

SO...... LET me inform everyone that I thank you for everything that has been donated.

Please take this as a closure to part 1 of 2 parts to this endeavor I forthtook.

I mean to say is thank you for all donations. There is plenty of equipment and tackle to distribute between my friends. There will not be anymore begging from me after this post. emoThanks

I will get everything ready, rods and reels matched up, tackle divided and make the arrangements to spring the surprise on them. It will be done in 2 separate locations and separate days as 1 friend lives in Meigs Co.

I WILL......... Post Pictures on here so everyone can see the generosity from the donations givin' by members here on the CFF. emoGrouphug emoWorthy
RE: WANTED - Older Rods CLOSED!!!

Steve it was great to meet you Thurs.& sorry for rushing off. Looking foward to the pic's Steve. Also the Ugly Stick came from poper 690.

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