water flow below Chickamauga Dam...

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
hixson, TN
I am pretty sure someone has posted info on this before and i just cant find it. But, what is the average flow of water below chickamuaga dam like say around dec.2018 and jan. 2019.. and what is the current level of flow right now?? i did look at the TVA site for info and i guess was not looking at the right place. it gave lake levels and only 48hrs of predicted levels but could not find info for levels or amt of flow below Chickamauga dam. thanks in advance!
Good Fishing to all!!
I don't know of any way to review historical flow rates. However I review it daily (often multiple times each day). In December and January it was generally 80K to 100K, which is still exceedingly high, especially considering it had been that way since about the second week of November.

Following the most recent multi-day deluge it jumped up into the 170-180K range.

For comparison, if there are ZERO flood gates open (the normal operating procedure) and all four generators are running wide open, the flow will be around 47K.

We used to routinely consider 47K VERY high flow. But after this crazy, wet winter the bar has moved significantly. I can't wait to see 47K again someday!
I prefer it between 20k and 40k. Any more than 40k with my small troller I have to drift the channel.
Everyone is very accurate in saying the current is abnormal this year. The best day of fishing i had in January was 97000 units being generated. Sounds ridiculous that bass would be on the river channel in current like this but they are. My Dad and I boated a 35lb bag of bass on our best five bass in January. Our second best day in January was 107000 units, weird huh. All fish were on the river channel and caught using the rig of course. I can't wait for next when the water gets back to winter level. The current will be crazy but apparently the bass are as well and so am I when they're biting.
Thank you all for your input i am getting anxious to get back to my spots on the bank below the dam on the river and getting tired of waiting! i have been over to the Lock side and fished the mouth of that creek a couple of times but it just seems soo dead over there and hard to get excited when you dont expect a bite! might have to go further down river suck creek or moccasin bend to check out new spots. may try above the dam on the rip rap beside the dam today. good fishing to all... if anyone has any new info on when the current flow is expected to drop, keep us posted!!
It's going to be a little while before flow gets back to normal. There's still a ton of water to get rid of from the past couple of weeks and we're supposed to get another inch of rain tomorrow on top of what we got yesterday morning.

Norris is 8' above full pool, Cherokee and Douglas are just a few feet below full, and Fontana is about 40' above the normal level for the time of year and all of that comes through the TN river.
I don't think they'll bring those highland lakes all the way back down since they usually start to come up about now but they've got to make room for spring rains.