I am reluctant to even post this but ... I went out on Watts bar at 2pm this afternoon in that `12 - 15 mph wind. Started fishing windy point near Thief Neck with a SB and on my second cast lost a nice fish. I thought I was on to something ... wind, point, chop on water. Not to be, I fished that point about half hour and moved to another point near a pocket where I have caught fish but not a bump. During this time, about 21/2 hrs into the afternoon, I had thrown cranks, SB, tx rig worm, jig 'n plastic and even tried a c-rig to no avail. At about 6pm on my last cast with a small crankbait on a laydown, I picked up my last fish, less than a lb lm bank-runner. What a frustrating fishing day but still nice to be on the water. It must have been that front which moved thru last night, huh?