Watts Bar Tailwater - Any recent reports?

Chattanooga Fishing Forum

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Iv'e seen some good size stripers caught recently by others. Other than that it's the usual, small black bass a few whites.... theres tons of skipjack if you can figure out what they want.emoScratch
And the cats are always biting up there.
Everyone seems to be catching a little bit of everything, but the numbers seem to be low.... maybe because of the low water flow, who knows? Just get out there and give it a shot, thats the only way you'll really knowemoThumbsup
drc - 10/8/2007 8:34 PM
but the numbers seem to be low.... maybe because of the low water flow, who knows? moThumbsup

Yes, the low water does seem to be hurting a lot of things lately. We really do need to get some substantial rains to increase the main river flows. Thanks!